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upload problem, debug activated


Chevereto Noob

Can you please have a look I don't see exactly what's wrong in your code:


It sounds that it is something with ftp.

// Esto debria preguntar si hay ftp abierto y ahi cerrar.
if ($use_ftp==true) {

if (!isset($titulo)) {
    $titulo = WELCOME;


Not really, that is just a warning.
The error is in this:

$DOM_SCRIPT = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; // --> mysite.com

Change to:

$DOM_SCRIPT = 'photos.lordsofrock.net'; // --> mysite.com
Oh Thanks Rodolfo !

But I'm still a bit sad because I get this message, even if I looked trough the forum to find a similar post they didn't answer the question...:(

Now this is what I get after I try to upload any image: "Invalid file type, allowed JPG, PNG, GIF and BMP".

Is it possible to ask you what's wrong ?


/* -----------------------------------------

  Chevereto - Script de hosting de imagenes
  Nightly Build 1.6, rev 1 (19/07/2009)

  Released under the GPL 2.0
  Copyright (C) 2008 by Rodolfo Berrios
  <inbox at rodolfoberrios dot com>

  ----------------------------------------- */

// Language //
define('LANG', 'en'); // en - English | es - Español | fa - Farsi | fr - Français | nl - Dutch | cn - ZH-CN (Chinese)

define('APP_NAME', 'Lords of Rock Galery'); // Your image hosting name
define('TAG_LINE', 'lords of rock'); // Your tagline (for doctitles and logo)

// Folders //
/* If you change this, you also must change the folders name. */
define('DIR_IM','images/'); // Change this to have something like /X/filename.jpg - where "X/" is the folder name. 

// Min-Max values //
$max_mb = '2.0'; // Max. image size (Mbytes)
$max_by = $max_mb*1048576; // (bytes)
$max_name = '10'; // Max. file name lenght.

// Thumbs //
$mini_ancho = '150'; // Thumb width (pixels)
$mini_alto = '150'; // Thumb height (pixels)

// Resize //
$lowres = '16'; // Min. resize value (pixels)
$higres = '1280'; // Max. resize value (pixels)

// Options //
$lim_act = true; // true: Allows uploading just for your domain - false: Allows upload from anywhere (post from another website)
$debug_mode = false; // false: Debug OFF - true: Debug ON.
$cut_url = true; // true: Short URLs (TinyURL tr.im etc.) - false: normal url (http://mysite.com/images/image.jpg).
$cut_url_service = 'snurl'; // tinyurl | tr.im | snurl
$cut_url_user = true; // If $cut_url = true -> true: Allows your users to cut their urls (preference) - false: Users can't choose to cut or not.
$allow_over_resize = false; // true: Allows over resize images - false: Don't allow over resize.

///// DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS - (do it if the script can't run) ////

// SERVER ///
/* We get this values with $_SERVER. If your server doesn't resolve this values The script will not work.
   If the script doesn't work, you must change this values to be like values in the comments (see the exaple below) */

$DOM_SCRIPT = 'photos.lordsofrock.net'; // --> mysite.com
$PATH_SERVER = $_SERVER['/web']; // --> /public_html (pssst.. NO ENDING SLASH!)

    // example:
    # $DOM_SCRIPT = 'mysite.com';
    # $PATH_SERVER = '/public_html'; 
    /* Btw, you can check this values by uncommenting this: */
    // echo 'DOM: '.$DOM_SCRIPT.' - PATH: '.$PATH_SERVER;

// FTP MODE //
/* Use this if you want to upload the files through ftp php (http://php.net/ftp). This is handly when your server config don't
   allow to upload files without CHMOD 777, like almost all the cPanel. Using this, you can forget the CHMOD ;) */
$use_ftp = true; // true: Uses ftp to upload files - false: Upload without ftp.
$ftp_host = 'ftp.lordsofrock.net'; // Change this if your ftp host is not the same as your mysite.com -- example: $ftp_host = 'ftp.mysite.com';
$ftp_user = 'my access'; // valid username.
$ftp_pass = 'mypassword'; // Valid password.
// NOTICE: FTP user must have access to the script folder.


// PATH //
/* Uhhh.. Can't touch this!. */
$path = dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
if (strlen($path)>1) { 
    define('PATH_SCRIPT', $path.'/');
} else {
    define('PATH_SCRIPT', $path);

// URL //
/* Uhhh... Uhhh.. Can't touch this!. */
define('URL_SCRIPT', 'http://'.$DOM_SCRIPT.PATH_SCRIPT);

Perhaps there is some limit in php.ini like "max post size", "execution time" etc.
Hello again,

I had a discussion with my hosting company, they tried ton install the script on an other part of their server...with no luck, they said that it is probably the script who is wrong.

Could it be possible ?

Does it miss something on the code of chevereto ?