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Upload images by adding our hosting server URL in front of image URL


Chevereto Member
💡Describe your Feature request

To permit to simply upload an image by adding the image hosting service URL in front of the image actual URL, like:

Source image URL: https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2015/04/23/22/00/tree-736885_1280.jpg
Way to import it: https://demo.chevereto.com/cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2015/04/23/22/00/tree-736885_1280.jpg

👏Where did you saw this?

A confidential hosting service (legal, no underground) to facilitate content sharing on the most important French speaking board (currently 145 millions posts) in order to not hotlink websites.

🔥Interest outside our community

Nothing in english but this service will be awesome on Chevereto!

Thank you to consider my request.
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Your question is pretty weird. You want to upload an image from a url to your chevereto installation and after that share that image into your board. Is this right or did I misunderstood your question?
It doesn't work clean as you describe, at first it lacks basic security.

Something like this needs CSRF protection so the URL requires to pass a token to validate the request authorization, besides the remote url. This is to avoid unattended uploads, otherwise is like keep the door of your house open all hours.

The token needs to be refreshed, I don't think is any practical. Is way better to just API.