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The .htaccess blocks the dashboard


Chevereto Member
I have to put this active line back with each new version
#RewriteBase /
RewriteBase /
On the other hand, I don't understand the indication to put the full path... Where should it be put?
Apparently I don't need it because it works without...
I await your comments thank you
No ".htaccess" at the root of chevereto and only this one.
I do not have the possibility on the server (LWS) to modify the vhost
🙄 What could I know... Anyway, glad you only need to tweak a line on each update to get it working.
Yes indeed I am not too embarrassed by this line. It was practically more for information than a solution.
But it would have been possible for information to have passed without my perceiving its meaning, hence the question. Thanks already for answering.
Have a good evening