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Some problem with the new Chevereto, Please help if you can.

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Chevereto Member
Hello everyone! I had updated my site, Its Beutifull! But few problems created.
1. I have a bags when guest uploading picture. when you get in the picture information - it disappeared.
you can see by your self here: http://upz.co.il/image/XYO
How can i fix the problem?

2. The Chevereto doesnt know that i have more than 3000 pictures on my server, but the stats is zero. How can i update the stats?

Thanks a lot!

1. Check if you don't have any conflicting .htaccess rewrite rule. http://upz.co.il/images/2015/07/24/UsEW.png this is the image being requested by the system and as you can see it has a 500 error.

2. System stats uses COUNT statement so if the rows are there in the database the system should be show those. Otherwise you have a conflict with the database.
1. Thats correct! my editing rules with .htaccess did the problem, i just uploaded the orginal file and it's working just fine.
2. The problem is - I uploaded all the images and that installed Chevereto from zero because a lot of bugs with Pixie theme and Piers isnt here to help with this, so i decited to start over. I know this is a database thing, but i dont know how to edit the table. Can you please help me with that too?

There is an update guide for each given version, if you skip something on your own you will obviously have issues. In this case, you are missing all the old database image table entries and by doing the upload manually you lose all the old image ids (public ids).

You can check the guide here: https://chevereto.com/docs/update-guide

Also, in this forum are guides to migrate from the old AUS, you should check those.
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I will try to use the updating guide. But just before: Cant i just connect to phpmyadmin and search the line and edit the stats? and then it will follow after the changes in the site? Or its complicated than i think.


By the way - why there's no option to create account with facebook? Can you please tell my how to make it enable?
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I will try to use the updating guide. But just before: Cant i just connect to phpmyadmin and search the line and edit the stats? and then it will follow after the changes in the site? Or its complicated than i think.


By the way - why there's no option to create account with facebook? Can you please tell my how to make it enable?

The stats are populated on the fly at this time. You won't find a field with the counter.

To enable Facebook login you will need to create a Facebook app and link it to your website. More info here: https://chevereto.com/docs/social-networks
The stats are populated on the fly at this time. You won't find a field with the counter.

To enable Facebook login you will need to create a Facebook app and link it to your website. More info here: https://chevereto.com/docs/social-networks
Thanks about the help with the facebook!

About the Database problem - i tryed to see how can i update the stats and the system with the update info and i could not understand it. I will be thanksfull if you can explane how can i try to do it because i've just very confused.
By the way - i can try to upload the old system and from there update the system. the problem is, i have there the AUS of Lautaro and Pixie of Piers, if you can please explane me how can i update the system properly, it will be very good.

System doesn't have a counter for all the uploaded photos, it counts it on the fly (only in admin dashboard). It doesn't have a counter at this time so you can't hack that count.

Regarding AUS, I'm sorry I can't help you with that. I don't even know how it works.
Good morning!
Then, even if i upload my site backup and update from there it wont count?
I dont care about the users, ONLY the images. if you tell me that it will help and do the job, i will do it right now.
And one more issue: i cannot put an email because it tell me that the Email mod is not Legal.

Thanks Rodolfo!
Then it should work for the images. I don't undertand what problem you have with the email.
It is a bug in v3.6.6 I will patch it in the next release.
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