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ShortURL Header Logo


💖 Chevereto Fan
Okay so I'm a "bit" lost when it comes to changing the ShortURL header logo.

For example, http://imagize.me/6Ca


Now I first had to find where the image was located, which I could not.

However in the style.css I found;

        #shortURL #header h1 a {
            display: block;
            width: 126px;
            height: 26px;
            text-indent: -999px;
            background-image: url( of letters/numbers==);

And seeing as the ShortURL page uses the header in the .css I thought I was there.

SO I changed it.

        #shortURL #header h1 a {
            display: block;
            width: 126px;
            height: 26px;
            text-indent: -999px;
            background-image: url('/theme-img/shorturl.png');

And what happens? Nothing. I just can't where else the image would be, as I've been through the entire css and all directories.
Use a valid url for the css, just notice the other css backgounds and notice the ./
Ook that makes a bit more sense.

I did that before and it didn't work for me, but it seems the issue is my internet, which won't display changes for a long time.