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Chevereto Member
Hey all, I've set up SFTP storage but I'm having a bit of trouble figuring how to set up the URL field?

I just put whatever in this field and have been able to upload files just fine. But when it comes to downloading those files I'm at a loss.


I understand that this would be useful for S3 storage but I'm unsure if there is something I need to set up?

The documentation doesn't really say anything about it https://v4-admin.chevereto.com/features/external-storage.html#sftp
The storage server must provide the URL for public-read file access. Check the documentation of your service provider.

Chevereto only stores that URL, it won't "serve" the contents of that URL. Chevereto only does the mapping (database row -> external storage url location).

The URL depends on your SFTP, which should provide HTTP.

Chevereto only stores that URL, it won't "serve" the contents of that URL. Chevereto only does the mapping (database row -> external storage url location).

The URL depends on your SFTP, which should provide HTTP.
Hey @Rodolfo thanks for replying so soon!

I wasn't aware that SFTP could be served via HTTP. I don't think my server provides HTTP.

Do you know of any SFTP storage providers that do HTTP?

Unless you mean WebDAV?
SFTP is a protocol, same as HTTP.

The SFTP Storage API exists because is common for some providers to include SFTP+HTTP combo in their offering. If this provider doesn't get you HTTP then the usability for Chevereto is next to zero and perhaps you should be better with S3 Compatible API.

Providers like https://www.backblaze.com/ offer cheap S3 Compatible hosting with HTTP access, just make sure to disable versioning.
Hey @Rodolfo thanks for replying so soon!

I wasn't aware that SFTP could be served via HTTP. I don't think my server provides HTTP.

Do you know of any SFTP storage providers that do HTTP?

Unless you mean WebDAV?
I mean, ServerOptima has been an s3 compatible storage solution that seems to work for my website (SunnyBlueSkies), it's $5 a month per TB but it works for someone who's trying to start their website and would eventually need to migrate over to a cloud storage provider/cdn.

By the way, versioning is besides some of the technical problems I've come across. The other is that chereveto reports an internal server error on some uploads which means I'd have to submit a report for you soon. @Rodolfo