Chevereto Member
🎯Description of the issue
Server error when trying to upload as logged in user, or otherwise.
▶🚶Reproduction steps
Server Error:
beermug.png - Server error (Internal server error)
📃Error log message
This was working this morning, and im not sure what could have changed since. I've enabled error reporting (3) in settings.php but still have not been able to locate any more detailed explanation of the error.
I keep finding this document:
but I still don't understand how or where the error is supposed to be generated or viewed.
I'm using the free version currently, and this is the current system readout:
Chevereto Free:1.1.0
Disclosure: I'm brand new to Chevereto, day 1.
Server error when trying to upload as logged in user, or otherwise.
▶🚶Reproduction steps
- go to gyfzy.com and click upload in the upper right
- browse for image, select one, and click upload.
- Error returns
Server Error:
beermug.png - Server error (Internal server error)
📃Error log message
This was working this morning, and im not sure what could have changed since. I've enabled error reporting (3) in settings.php but still have not been able to locate any more detailed explanation of the error.
I keep finding this document:
but I still don't understand how or where the error is supposed to be generated or viewed.
I'm using the free version currently, and this is the current system readout:
Chevereto Free:1.1.0
- G\:G\ Library 1.0.42
- PHP version:7.2.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.1
- Server:GYFZY Linux/fpm-fcgi
- MySQL version:5.7.24-0ubuntu0.18.04.1
- MySQL server info:Uptime: 64650 Threads: 1 Questions: 4258 Slow queries: 0 Opens: 373 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 365 Queries per second avg: 0.065
- GD Library:Version 2.2.5 JPEG:1 GIF:1/1 PNG:1 WBMP:1 XBM:1
- File uploads:Enabled
- Max. upload file size:2 MB
- Max. post size:8 MB
- Max. execution time:30 seconds
- Memory limit:256 MB
Disclosure: I'm brand new to Chevereto, day 1.