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Please keep in mind:
Which Chevereto version are you using? I ask because since v3.8.12 the limit for images takes into account max upload filesize and max post size. In older versions you can set something like 20MB but if post max size is below that you will get an error.
Anyway, latest release fixed that issue. That's why I ask which version are you using.
Paste your dashboard homepage please, that one where you can read about the server limits.
Sent PMAnd which is your website URL? Sorry to keep asking but you should provide *ALL* the information that could help me to understand the issue. One of those is of course the website URL.
I changed it toEvery time you want to allow big images you have to understand or realize that bigger images means more server resources needed. My advice, try to increase the memory limit to 256MB but keep in mind that even that will be low for 50MB images.