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Search not working


Chevereto Member
Hello! I have uploaded some images with file name: Far Cry 1, Far Cry 4, Far Cry 5! But when i try to search for this images i dont get any result!

I use this search too: "Far Cry 5" but again nothing!

Thank you :)
Chevereto uses MySQL fulltext for searches, which by default is limited to 4 chars.

You need to customize the limit to 3 and rebuild all the database indexes.
So... Job Done....
Thanos92 say, it works fine now

Instructions for everyone else:
1. Login in Plesk
2. Go to Tools & Settings -> Database Servers -> Manage the Database over phpMyAdmin
2.1. hold this window open

3. open winscp and connect to your server as root.
4. open the file: /etc/my.cnf.d/server.cnf
4.1. add the line ft_min_word_len=3 under [mysqld]
4.2. save and close
5. open putty.exe and connect as root
5.1. enter command: service mysql restart || service mariadb restart || service mysqld restart
5.2. close this program

6. go to step 2 window from phpmyadmin
6.1. click on "SQL"
6.2. check the config file settings with follow insert command: SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'ft_min_word_len';
6.2.1. result is "3"
6.3. click on "SQL"
6.4. insert follow lines...
repair table YOUREDATABASENAME_chev.chv_albums;
repair table YOUREDATABASENAME.chv_users;
repair table YOUREDATABASENAME.chv_images;
Operating system in use: CentOS with Plesk