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Same file, but displaying different image?!

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Chevereto Member
Well, this is interesting..

One of our member posted an image should be this one:

But Chevereto is displaying different image which is totally irrelevant and ridiculous:

We audited the post and confirmed that the guy who posted the image is actually giving the correct file, but somehow Chevereto displayed different image:

I tried to disable CloudFlare, but still getting the same issue.

So I reckon it's not CF's or any cache issue.

Any idea what's wrong with my Chevereto, @Rodolfo ?

Here's the live thread where this accident happened: http://www.indoforum.pro/threads/jangan-tonton-7-film-ini-dengan-orang-tuamu.1090920/

Don't mix server issues with script issues. Chevereto doesn't serve the images or any static file, that's your server job. Is your server which handles that and that could be altered by poor configuration, extreme aggressive cache, etc. But is not something that Chevereto can fix or handle because is on the server layer and Chevereto doesn't handle that layer. Chevereto is a script which runs on top of the server layer and in your case the problem is the server itself, anything that runs or works on top of that layer can't fix what happens below it.

I've noticed several server issues reported by you and I don't know how to be more clear on this. Basically Chevereto is like an application which runs in a computer and your problems are in your operating system. The app (Chevereto) can't fix your operating system settings or bad configuration.

Hope it makes sense.
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