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route.index.php overrride/mod question


Chevereto Member
Hi Rodolfo,

I'd like to duplicate the ?random capability with a minor change. It should redirect not to /image/XX but /image123/XX. ?random should still redirect to /image/XX. I just want ?random123 to redirect to /image123/XX. Thanks in advance.
case 'random':

if(!CHV\getSetting('website_random')) {

$tables = CHV\DB::getTables();
$db = CHV\DB::getInstance();

$db->query('SELECT MIN(image_id) as min, MAX(image_id) as max FROM '.$tables['images']);
$limit = $db->fetchSingle();

// Try to get the right image
$random_ids = G\random_values($limit['min'], $limit['max'], 10);

if(is_null($random_ids)) {
} else {
if(count($random_ids) == 1) {
$random_ids[] = $random_ids[0];

if($limit['min'] !== $limit['max']) {
// Do NOT show the last viewed image
$last_viewed_image = CHV\decodeID($_SESSION['last_viewed_image']);
if(($key = array_search($last_viewed_image, $random_ids)) !== false) {

$query = 'SELECT image_id FROM '.$tables['images'].' LEFT JOIN '.$tables['albums'].' ON '.$tables['images'].'.image_album_id = '.$tables['albums'].'.album_id WHERE image_id IN ('.join(',', $random_ids).") AND (album_privacy = 'public' OR album_privacy IS NULL) ";

// Don't show NSFW in random mode
if(!CHV\getSetting('show_nsfw_in_random_mode')) {
if($logged_user) {
$query .= 'AND ('.$tables['images'].'.image_nsfw = 0 OR '.$tables['images'].'.image_user_id = '.$logged_user['id'].') ';
} else {
$query .= 'AND '.$tables['images'].'.image_nsfw = 0 ';

if($handler::getCond('forced_private_mode')) {
$query .= 'AND '.$tables['images'].'.image_user_id = '.$logged_user['id'].' ';

$query .= 'ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1';


$imageID = $db->fetchSingle()['image_id'];
$image = CHV\Image::getSingle($imageID, false, true);;

// Does exists in the disk?
if($image['file_resource']['chain']['image'] == NULL) $image = false;

if(!$image) {
if($_SESSION['random_failure'] > 3) {
} else {
$_SESSION['random_failure'] += 1;
} else {

G\redirect($image ? CHV\Image::getUrlViewer(CHV\encodeID($imageID)) : '?random');


You should change this:
case 'random':

To this:
case 'random':
case 'random123':

By doing that you will use the same 'random' for 'random123', then in G\redirect you need a conditional to detect if you are in 'random' or in 'random123' and change the redirect target depending on that.
I do not grasp the G\redirect conditional. Can you provide an example I can copy paste? Thanks.

I understand having two cases though and have already done this step. :)
G\redirect($image ? CHV\Image::getUrlViewer(CHV\encodeID($imageID)) : '?random');

This line needs modification, correct?
To be clear, I know what a conditional statement is. I do not know how to form one correctly in this situation.
Just wrap a conditional for a new aux variable like $redirect_to and put that in G\redirect, something like this:

if(key($querystr)=='random') {
    $redirect_to = $image ? CHV\Image::getUrlViewer(CHV\encodeID($imageID)) : '?random';
} else {
    $redirect_to = $image ? ('image123/' . CHV\encodeID($imageID)) : '?random123';
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