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Resize & Compress?


Chevereto Member
Hi All,
I've actually purchased Chevereto on the fantastic deal they had on with TMDHosting a couple of weeks ago. 🙂

My question is about image Upload, Resize & Compression, as far as I can make out, Chevereto does not Compress the images on upload. This is indispensable so as to save on expensive server disk space and increase download speed, is this correct?

Of all imaging programs I've dealt with in the last 20 years, this is an obsolete basic facility, Lanczos resampling etc.
If Chevereto doesn't have this essential feature, this is a deal breaker for me. 🙁
Dashboard > Settings > Image upload

Maximum image size.

Chevereto won't compress images, ever. Quality goes before quantity.
OK, on the compression thing but is 'Maximum image size' just display size?
No, it will actually resize down any image bigger than that at a high-quality compression value. The result will be still a smaller image but without quality loss.