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Remove usernames (incognito mode)

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Thank you for accepting this Rodolfo
I do understand you have other things first before adding it

A few things just so you understand mine, souzou's and others reasons more sirmoo

It seems weird to have a system that requires for people to create accounts then to have images not even show who uploaded it.

It doesn't if its used in different ways
As I have mentioned we use forums as our main board so any image uploaded as a thumb into a topic will show the thumb in a topic by that user username, just as my name appears to show I have written this post in this topic.
Sites like ours are community based in that we have discussions within topics on various subjects other than the main image sections so everything is posted on the main forum, the hosting site is just for uploading, getting the links and pasting into the forum for discussion, in addition to that we have the weekly polls which can't be done from the image host.

Completely anonymous guest uploads are fine built in and the API system makes it beyond easy for you to do this right from your own website without ever leaving the 'post' page of a forum.

As I said not everyone knows how to use the API system built in, they want to buy a script, install it and off they go with no hassles attached.

You're indeed wanting to run your site in a different way from others. There are a few of us who target those who want a portfolio in the photography world... Graphics design, etc. Then there are those who want to run a very generic image hosting. You personally seem a little more niche than mentioned, but when people are wanting to add new systems... EXPECT people to not like your idea and to comment about it. Maybe a simple 'Privacy' toggle won't cause much of an increase to the overall system in terms of code. But we have ONE developer. Who can't implement every feature everyone wants... So it's up to the community to voice support and opposition against things. Regardless if you like what I have to say or not.

First off I run my competition forum like hundreds if not thousands of others do, in the sense that we use image hosts without user tags on, up until now forums like mine would never of dreamed of buying an image hosting script and running it them self but it is starting to become more and more popular, the main reason is the big hosts deleting content without warning leaving years of posts in forums without the image showing, imageshack not long back did this and we lost hundreds of images, which in turn makes the forum look terrible with missing images.

I never expected people not to have a view on this but I got the feeling you were more than against it by your replies and as you say your aiming for the graphic design / portfolio market where I'm not and as I can see image host scripts being something required more and more by a totally different range of consumers to that it has previously attracted I am trying to put a case forward for those users., you on the other hand came across as "I don't need it shouldn't be added attitude" "get over it by editing this or adding that", which might be acceptable to those confident in coding but those who don't will think I may not buy this as its not got something I need unless I modify myself.
Basically you need to understand that somethings it has may not be wanted by all and if there is a simple option like an on off switch it will appeal more to potential buyers.
I build new houses for a living and never will I install a kitchen or bathroom until the customer specifies exactly there needs otherwise what I choose won't be to everyone's liking and fit their needs, in a similar way this script may not be to everyone's liking 100% but Rodolfo updates and gives us all the chance to ask for something we would like so it meets others needs.
My point is you don't need this option so all you have to do is not use it just like I don't use some of the features already installed so I don't use them.

Most of what you're asking for can be done. Just... The way the current BBCode shows the image is not ideal. You can simply modify that to have to display the ideal code and link to the image directly and NOT the embeded page. I'm not really sure what the opposition of this is, to ask people to give you the DIRECT link and not the embedded on into the site?

As I have said that isn't a possibility, members have done this on our type of forums since year dot of it starting.
We may have thirty images in a poll and if the poll didn't show a bbcode thumb and only text links it gets confusing which link was last opened, seeing a thumb makes that easier to the viewer, also as we have also used a mix of hosts allowed if one is down then its easier to identify.

Rodolfo has got a fantastic script here and in my eyes I can see it will be purchased more and more by forums like mine that rely on image hosts (which are now being more unreliable than ever) in the near future, at the moment you and Rodolfo (from above post) don't seem to think it is a feature needed but like I say we are both dealing with different types of customers, here the main are probably like sirmoo who want to use the script as a type of portfolio or album sharing site and this script is perfect in every sense for that, the type of customer like myself has a different usage for image hosts, a different way completely and with this accepted add on it will make a huge difference to customers like souzou who don't do coding and want a script that can just be installed, in fact I will say this news of the add on has now made this script perfect in every way for everyone who wants to buy a hosting script and it will definitely appeal more to people like my self and souzou who needs a script that doesn't want the uploaders name appearing.

Thanks again Rodolfo
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This is great news to my ears and I'm sure to many others. You have now secured another buyer, though I may still wait until this is actually implemented and released as I do not have the coding skills or patience to be messing about editing in areas I know nothing about.

Paul (BCF admin) talks a lot of sense because the need is ever increasing for hosting scripts that do not show a user tag if site owners like us take the plunge to purchase our own script due to the unreliable hosts who are ruining the look and feel of forum communities that have built up years of posting.
Your already great script will add another plus for it to be used by a wider audience.

I now look forward to the release where this will be added and recommending your script to others by me will be so much easier now as this is the one thing I needed, and others I know who also need it.

Thank you Rodolfo this is now perfect in my eyes.
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