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Re-size option


💖 Chevereto Fan

How does re-size option work ? how does the system choose to do the work on the client PC or on the server and how to turn it off if my server is not strong enough + push client side only ?

Client side works when the image isn't .GIF and the image comes from your own computer. Server resize works for all gif images (non animated) and for URL upload.
So unless we talk about non animated gifs OR URL uploads it is all safe to keep there and there wont be any extra CPU load on my server part ? sounds great :)
Yeah we had this feature in Chevereto v2.0.17 but went missing in 3.6.8 :eek:
Chevereto 2.X never featured client-side rezising. Note that client-side rezising means that resize process is made in the web browser, not the server.