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PUP does not paste BBCodes into message if more than 5 images with Firefox

Website URL
PHP version
Database driver
Database version
Web browser
Firefox 122.0.1 (64 bits)


Chevereto Member
*️⃣ Must open one ticket per issue. If you are experiencing multiple issues don't hesitate to create multiple tickets for each issue.

▶ Reproduction steps
  1. Use PUP with PHPBB3 site and Chevereto 4
  2. Use Firefox on PC or Mac
  3. Upload more than 4 images in one time
😢 Unexpected result

When I use the PUP, with Firefox, on Mac or PC, if I upload more than 4 images at a time, the BBCode links are not generated and copied into the message being written on my phpbb3 forum.

It works on another site where i use Chevereto 3, it also works with other browsers.

📃 Error log message

No log error, the images are uploaded but not integrated in the message editor on phpbb.


  • No BBCode added.jpg
    No BBCode added.jpg
    639.4 KB · Views: 11
Hello Rodolfo,

  • On my site with Chevereto v3 : It's ok with all the Web Browers (Safari, edge, Firefox, Chrome)
  • On my site with Chevereto v4 : It's ok with all the Web Browsers, except Firefox

And a lots of my members are using Firefox.

If you can help me i 'll migrate my other site to v4.

Thanks for your help.

V3 and V4 are exactly the same as PUP concerns, the fact that works on all browsers but Firefox is very odd. Can you indicate the exact versions for V3 and V4?
A video won't work because I need access to the system where this happens. I need access to that forum and the Chevereto installation, I need to see the browser console on my own. Send access via PM.
Just tried and worked for me. macOS Sonoma 14.2, Firefox 122.01
Try checking for conflicting browser extensions, PUP is based on postMessage and anything interfering with that could affect its functionality.
Did you try with 5 or more « big » pictures ?
On my side i still have the same probleme, with 2 computers, one mac, one PC, without extension on a fresh installed Firefox.

It seems to be linked to a sort of timeout, when with a few big pictures it takes time to upload / resize
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