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Problems after the upgrade

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Chevereto Member

I have recently updated my Chevereto hosting to the newest version from 2.0. My server is running on nginx and php5-fpm. However my Chevereto is not working now:

First, when I try to upload any image, I receive this error:
"No image has been uploaded"
It's certainly not a chmod issue as I even tried to chmod -R 777 everything and it still didn't work.

And another one: I can't access the admin panel. When I enter the password, nothing happens, I don't get any error or something.

You can check my website at: http://photoupload.pl and photoupload.pl/admin.

What should I do with those problems?
I need FTP details to debug, send me the info via private conversation
Wow, I just found out that my Chevereto files are outdated. It's a problem with my FTP client as it didn't replace any files. I'll replace them and if it still won't work, I'll PM you the details.
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