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Private settings not working

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Public = anyone can see the content.
Private (self) = Only owner can see the content.
Private (anyone with the link) = Only if you have the link you can see the content.
Private (password) = Only those who knows the link and the password can see the content.

Hope it helps.
I know how the settings work, but if I have a link to the album and I'm a guest I shouldn't be able to see a private album and all the content in the album.
Private (anyone with link) and I'm under the impression that meant image not album. I found it because Google indexed the album.
Use private (self) if you don't want that. Also, use website mode = private (only registered users) if you want to restrict full access.
Ok, all this time I guess I didn't understand the private settings but I think I do now. I always thought if you put it in private (self) you wouldn't be able to link out the image but I guess I was wrong.
No privacy setting will affect the actual images files. Only the image links.
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