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This has been covered a few times on the forum. Pretty sure the answer is 'eventually'.

Without being like Apple-like which always say things like «hundred new features» but actually we only see like two new things I can honestly share with you and everybody, that I have a roadmap of near 100 features to-do for Chevereto 3.X

As you may guess it takes some time to get there.
Hi, I'm sorry I didn 't search. Take your time. 🙂
The membership model is prominent as it is easier than ad based.
+for memberships you would need to get to 3.6 to get more social i guess.....if the users dont have a reason to come back they just go and find a different free img host....img hosting is free friendships/social life is where it would be more important as of the users have something to come back to the site.

3.6 where are you ? 😀 LOL
It depend, if you go into premium position, "going back to site" is not necessary. Public photos are somewhat selective. I have just realised that the forum has like 100 accepted features =))

It may be too early to pursue monetizing option
So what is the point to waste time and money to market your website to shot and run type of ppl ? we live in the age where the social features and VIP addons are required everywhere. If you have a free and vip account with 50 / 150 image space and ppl can interact with each other so its important for them to add more.

But its point of view question.. I rather target quality users to have 1000 images on the site that will generate tens of thousands of views as they keep sharing it (like portfolios) then spammers throwing in useless images that gets banned after a while everywhere and there is no traffic / views on the website. We got nice banner locations but without proper amount of views/clicks its pointless again.

Allt he other image sharing sites make good money as they give a quality surface to showcase their photos(got it in chevereto) and they give interaction features, showcase options, follow and notifications. Making ppl want to come back and upload more and more photos.

As I wrote it its just the point of view quality over quantity
Without being like Apple-like which always say things like «hundred new features» but actually we only see like two new things I can honestly share with you and everybody, that I have a roadmap of near 100 features to-do for Chevereto 3.X

As you may guess it takes some time to get there.
Imgur also have pro accounts. so we should also in future?
Hard to say because Chevereto isn't a 1:1 alternative to imgur, flickr, 500px or anything like that. I try to create something unique putting in the mix all the good things that I saw there and there and I get ideas from the people who is already using Chevereto and from actually any service or system out there. The challenge is extremely hard because as you may be aware I'm pretty open to put anything on the system and the ratio of accepted vs rejected requests is huge which means that I always try to listen to everybody.

Is pretty easy to say things like "without X this is useless" or "X feature is useless" or "We don't need X" but the truth is that I try to add everything people ask me but that can't be done in a short period of time (unless of course you want me to do a crap script). The point is that I'm aware of like 90% of the user/community requirements but I can't fill them all like in one release or even in one major release. You have to be patient and this takes time to get it done and I do it at my own timing.

This particular request has been already accepted but like I said, it takes time and it needs other system layers before. For instance, people always ask me to add more social features and more premium features to engage users and then get a more robust website. Ok, that sounds good but are everybody willing to spend a fortune in servers? Nope. So I've to make a system layer that can take care of that before because we will end up with systems that collapse. That's why I'm working to add storages and grid servers, because there is a limitation before the actual feature request and I've to think in all those things before.