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Possible To Move Files from Local To External?


Chevereto Member
Was wondering if it is Possible To Move Files from Local storage To a new External one added after the fact?
1. Add the new storage to Dashboard > Settings > External storage
2. Copy the contents from <local>\images to /your/remote/path
3. Update all the images to reflect the storage ID (you will also need to update the size counters)

Once done all the local images will be in the external storage and they will resolve to the external storage URL.
It seems there is something else I have to change, because changing the file storage id to 1 afrom null breaks the image , even with the image now stored with the same path on the external. Let me know thanks
Is all about URL resolution. When you point an image to an storage_id what you are doing is that the system will compose the URL based in the URL specified in the storage URL. That URL must resolve, if not you are using a wrong path.