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PHP 8 External SFTP ISsue


👽 Chevereto Freak
▶ Reproduction steps
  1. Use PHP 8
  2. Try to upload to external server
😢 Unexpected result

Undefined array key "host"

#0 /app/lib/classes/class.ftp.php(39): G\errorsAsExceptions()
#1 /app/lib/classes/class.storage.php(599): CHV\Ftp->__construct()
#2 /app/lib/classes/class.storage.php(172): CHV\Storage::requireAPI()
#3 /app/lib/classes/class.image.php(882): CHV\Storage::uploadFiles()
#4 /app/routes/route.json.php(90): CHV\Image::uploadToWebsite()
#5 /lib/G/classes/class.handler.php(230): G\Handler->{closure}()
#6 /lib/G/classes/class.handler.php(130): G\Handler->processRequest()
#7app/web.php(410): G\Handler->__construct()
#8 app/loader.php(242): require_once('...')
#9 index.php(20): include_once('...')
#10 {main}

📃 Error log message

[Example: Attached is the server error log relevant to this issue]
4.0.0.beta.5, when I add FTP configuration, I also encounter this problem, but "docker logs" does not output error logs
To clarify: V3 won't support PHP 8. There will be PHP 8 compatibility but only for the upgrade process.

However in 4.0 beta the problem also exists too.
Kindly provide the error trace emmited by V4.
I'll provide it later.

And Rodolfo you did ask me to give you the SFTP error for PHP 8 just in case for the live version it was easy that's why I created this thread you asked me to put it here 🙂