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Password protected albums not displayed in album view.


Chevereto Member
This has me a bit baffled, as previously on the community / free version it was functioning perfectly fine.
Is this something I am just overlooking?

Previously when I had an album set to password protected, the album name would still display when not logged in, however upon clicking it would request you enter the album password.

Since the upgrade to the paid variant when entering album view the only albums visible are those set to public.

I have verified the albums in question are set to password protected, not view only with link.

Have also attempted to create new albums for testing this situation with no luck whatsoever.

If manually enter link to albums in question you are then prompted to enter the password.

Settings as following:

Dashboard > Settings > Website

-Website mode = Personal
-Website privacy mode = Public
-Explore = Enabled
-Explore (guests) = Enabled

Dashboard > Settings > Routing

-Image routing = image
-Album routing = album
This looks to me as a bug as password protected albums should be listed, but prompt for the password.