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Paid files


Chevereto Member
Hello there.

Maybe this is suggested before, but how is it to add paid images/ Image License?
Something like 500px have?

Since this is an image script, this must be an awesome way to earn money for users and the website owners.

Only PayPal & Credit Card(if possible)


1) Member can choose between:
Free Download (Copyright agreement popup)
Paid Download: Member can set the price themselfs / or if its easier, admin can se "pre" prices
When bought the license to the photo, you get access to download:
- Full image size
- Copyright Agreement made by the respective owner of the image.

E.g this:

Each sale owner of the website gets commission for.
Members sells a image for $100
Commission are 5% of the full price, goes to the the website(Adm in can change the %% to what ever)
= Memeber gets: $95
= Website gets: $5
= Win Win 😛
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I've saw this in 500px, is one of the many ways in which you can make money with images and it could work for photographers that want to go solo or for photographers in your own website.

I think that it should be added to v4.
Last survey (Client satisfaction survey) showed that one of the most wanted features is related to money making and allow photographers (or any artists actually) to sell their work is a must have for Chevereto. I will work on this for 4.X series.
Question would this be a solo setup or a marketplace. Solo meaning only the site owner would make money vs a marketplace where anyone could upload photos and sell them and the website would make X% of every sale.
Question would this be a solo setup or a marketplace. Solo meaning only the site owner would make money vs a marketplace where anyone could upload photos and sell them and the website would make X% of every sale.
I think it will be flexible to act as both, based on the website owner's requirements.
Wondering if the thoight is still up. Stripe connect is great for split payments. I am interested to buy this script but not sure how will i make any money.