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Confirmed Number of file inside album/sub-album

PHP version
Database driver
Database version
Web browser


Chevereto Member
▶ Reproduction steps
  1. Visit a user profile > Check an album with sub-albums.
😢 Unexpected result

Not sure if it's a bug, but when we check the number of file on an album, the album only shows the number of files in itself and doesn't take into account the files in a sub-album (which can make an album look empty with 0 files displayed), so maybe it's a good idea to add the two together (at least for the user's main page).

Yeah. Ideally, this would be able to show
  • 'all assets contained within parent album and its' children'
  • 'number of sub-albums'
  • 'assets in sub-albums as opposed to assets in parent album'