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NSFW for albums


Chevereto Member
One way would be to mark an album as nsfw but the images.

A public album contains no images if the images is marked as nsfw and you link it to someone.

one thing would be to mark the album as nsfw and make it public. It would be available on access with a link, but not in listings and search ( if you dont have an account )
I don't get what you are requesting here but flags are applied to individual content. That said, NSFW for albums will work just as a wrapper or bulk update for all the images within that album.

Which is the goal of NSFW albums in your request? Is just to "hack" listings or something like that? I ask because is easier to add a new album privacy layer rather than hook it into the NSFW thing.
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Images is flagged as NSC ( Not Safe Content )

Site settings:
Show not safe content in listings = Deactivated
Show not safe content in random mode = Deactivated​

Album settings:
Album privacy = Public​

Most NSC i have is wrapped in albums, but when people link to it, they have an empty album with ads. Too show the images in the album they have to login.

My suggestion is:

Mark an album as NSC. Images that belong too an album marked as NSC should not be shown in listings and random mode, but if you watch an album specifically, the images should be shown.

I maybe mix things up now, but albums is empty when they contain only contain NSC.
Or just do like this, easy and pro..

Marked as: Adult Content - for images and album(cover image) at upload or upon creation:
For everyone/accept the uploader: show a "replaced image/or color" with text:
Adult Content, this image/album have adult content within, user discretion is advised > Button with: Show the photo..? Easy, and professional :p
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