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Notification via mail after upload


πŸ’– Chevereto Fan
Would be nice to get an mail after each upload from users and when these mails include also thumbs of the uploaded files.
Would make the moderation much easier for me ;-)
Want to bring this request up again.

Still nobody needs notifications like this?

Could not understand that mail notifications for new likes, comments, ... are accepted now and this feature - that helps to moderate the user uploads - nobody needs. What happens when someone loads unwanted images to your site? Nobody can monitor the uploads 24/7 - so I think a notification after upload will be helps a lot.
Even in a small website you will get something like 12 emails per day, on a big website you will get near 100? 300? emails per day?... I believe that is better to just bookmark your website and check it during the day.

Chevereto is an image hosting software, people will upload content always at anytime... You need to keep an eye from time to time.
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It could be an optional setting - if someone wants no mails, he could deactivate.

I have not the time to open my sites every 5 min to check, if something unwanted uploaded to my site. I think, a mail notification is a better solution. Just quick check your mail (with small thumbs) for new content. If something uploaded, you don't want, you can log in and delete it - or much better - click on the a link to each image in the notification mail to disable this image for a later review.

There are a lot of scripts outside, like forums, that sends out notification mails, if you want it.

I think it should be an customized notification:

- Notification enable/disable
- Notification interval (after upload each image or 1, 2, 3, ... times a hour/day)
- Notification mail with small thumbs for fast check
- "Disable" Link to each image to deactivate that image fast (maybe through API) without need login

You can make me also an offer for an custom solution for my needs or I will try to find an developer, who can do this for me.
If more people needs this I will added it, otherwise I will work in other features.
Instead of mods getting the email the user who uploaded the image should get the email with link to the image. So the url will stay in his email inbox even after he leaves the site. Also he could forward it easily to anyone.
Won't this create a ton of emails for busy sites? I would find it much easier to simply have a page where we can approve or delete images from being public listed. Have a page that simply sorts them in a queue based if they're pending approval. Then have a cron that checks it and sends an email each day if they're not addressed...
Won't this create a ton of emails for busy sites?

Yes - but that's why I say, it should be an option. If you don't want to get notification mails, you can deactivate it or set an interval how often mails will be send.

I did not have the time to check every 5 min my sites, if someone did an upload. Also I'm many times not at home. My emails I could check every time and very fast with my Smartphone. So I'm always notified about the content that was uploaded. With small thumbs in the mail I can check if there is any unwanted content. Then a "block" or "review" link (through API for not need to login on the site) to each thumb and these content can be blocked from public view.

I think it's the easiest way to moderate your site.
Since there isn't a true community support for this feature I will label it as out of scope.