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Not able to add Google analytics code

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Problem is that the server is blocking form fields with <script> contents or any tag like that.
Request URL:http://www.imgpuppy.com/dashboard/settings/external-services
Request Method:POST
Status Code:403 Forbidden

Most likely this is because safe mode (deprecated) or perhaps another security module in your server. You will need to refer to your hosting company.
I just contacted the hosting support, the owner is my friend and he confirmed there's no security module installed to block script tags.
Also when I add google analytics code manually into theme file from server cpanel file uploader , its writing into it, which means no issue from server side isnt it?
So, server is not blocking script tags.
Also you can see other users reported : this is not working for them too, so kindly investigate into this issue further.

Host support wanted to get the following details from you:
whether chevereto code is MOD SECURITY friendly

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Most likely mod_security is blocking POST. That can be fixed adding this to the root htaccess

SecFilterScanPOST OFF
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