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No Image has been uploaded & Multiupload doesn't work

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💖 Chevereto Fan
Hi Rodolfo.
URL: http://www.ultraimg.com/

I have a couple of problems recently, and I can't really get my head round as to why?

1. "No image has been uploaded"
This only happens when I'm logged in, and try to upload a file... (chrome browser) This is part of the AUS extension, so I understand if you won't look at this. If you do want to take a look, then I'll happily give you some log in details, or you can create your own.

2. Multiupload doesn't work.
When two or more files are in the queue, the uploads complete... but then I'm redirected to the first image only.... Not the multiview. Although all images are being uploaded.

Internet Explorer, seems to be ok.
Chrome, does the above.
Firefox, seems to just 'refresh' the homepage after it's completed. Although all images are being uploaded.

Any ideas on this? I can provide FTP details for debugging if you wish.
Hosting is with HostISO, and I believe they use Cloudflare, so .... maybe purge the cache?? Might solve the problem??

Thank you :)
1. I've just uploaded a picture not logged and it works so the problem MUST be in the system that is handling the login data, in this case AUS right?
2. I also noticed that error.

Well, thing is that you should do what I ask always, make a new clean install in a test directory and in that way we can isolate the problem. If the system works in the test environment then the problem is the modified files.
Ok Rodolfo, I'll give that a try and see how it goes. Thanks.

--- edit ---

I tested with a new folder, I uploaded my current version of Chevereto (without any mods) - Version: 2.3.1 and the multi upload still didn't work.
I deleted the files, and uploaded the latest version: 2.5.6, and the multi upload worked perfectly fine...
Re-done the test again, with a fresh copy of 2.3.1, didn't work. Re-done the test with 2.5.6, and again it worked fine.

I believe my host recently updated cPanel to the latest version, maybe updated other things too.
This is probably the most likely cause. What do you think? Ever come across something like this before?

I'm stuck on 2.3.1 at the moment due to having the AUS mod. Which I know isn't your fault. :) I would love to update to the latest version. Hard lesson learnt.

---- edit 2 ----

So I contacted my host, and gave them some details of my problems, and it seems that they have fixed it somehow. It turns out that it WASN'T related to cPanel (it seemed strange to be pointing to that in the first place)... I still have the same version installed, so it's not that.
I 'presume' due to being on Cloudflare, they have done something with the cache? I really don't know what else it could of been.
If the host lets me know what they done then I'll let you know here.
All issues seem to be resolved, and this can be classed as Solved :)

Update from host:
It turns out that after their update, some of the cPanel settings didn't save correctly, so therefore it was causing some issues.
They resaved the settings and set some custom settings back to 'active' and that was all.
Simple when you know how I guess :p
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