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Need help fixing custom Chevereto implementation


Chevereto Member

I am running an older version of Chevereto, so Rodolfo won't help me.

The issue, whatever it is, results in explore pages not working. (Internal Server Error)

Everything else seems to work.

I'm migrating from AWS to IBM Cloud. Same files do not have issue on AWS, only on new server with IBM.

It's quite weird. If you can help, please reach out to me.

Why you don't just merge your custom editing into the latest release? You only need to compare your installation against your download (latest version).

Software like beyond compare can do that for you.

Anyway, this may help https://chevereto.com/docs/debug
If I understand correctly, the best thing to do would be:

1) Difference check vanilla 3.7.1 against my modded 3.7.1
2) Add differences from step 1 to latest version

I don't have a copy of vanilla 3.7.1 to check differences against.
By the way, I resolved the database issue I posted about previously.

The solution to that was simple: Add "FORCE INDEX (PRIMARY)" to the query builder in class.listing.php.

That brought query time down from 5.5s to 0.02s.
Still on 3.7.1.

I did try to run the upgrade, but it didn't go smoothly, so I reverted.
What you should be worried about is the huge list of security vulnerabilities that your website has because you have skipped two years of updates. Add bugs, missing features, etc.

Anyway, hope you can sort it out.

P.S. Try to provide additional details so the people willing to help you can understand what is troubling you so much.
I'm more worried that I can't afford hosting. My website will have to be shut down if I can't migrate to cheaper/free hosting.

Security is high priority, but doens't matter if the site shuts down.

If I had the time to do what you suggest, I would. I will later but cannot right now.

What I did, that kinda works for all pages (except explore pages):

- rsync'd apache web root and config from working source to target on different cheaper host
- the following commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa😱ndrej/php

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install php7.0 php5.6 php5.6-mysql php-gettext php5.6-mbstring php-xdebug libapache2-mod-php5.6 libapache2-mod-php7.0
apt-get install php5.6-curl
apt-get install php5.6-xml
apt-get install php5.6-gd


- headers and modrewrite extensions are enabled
- MySQL 5.7 on target, 5.6 on source

So the question is, what would cause explore pages to return Internal Server Error? Target server is using the same Chev files--which work on source. So it probably isn't that--especially since everything else works.

Thanks in advance
Furthermore, MySQL connection is working fine. Pages like ...com/username work as expected. No Internal Server Error.

Dashboard and image pages work.