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    Please keep in mind:

Multiple user uploads to single album

I think uploading images to other account isn't good idea, becouse dcma, illegal, offtopic or other issues.
But the idea of public albums (better named public groups) would be perfect.
Anyone can join or create new group and publicate images there.
I think uploading images to other account isn't good idea, becouse dcma, illegal, offtopic or other issues.
But the idea of public albums (better named public groups) would be perfect.
Anyone can join or create new group and publicate images there.

May have problems but the owner of the album will have control over who uploads it to theirs... most probably it would be your friends, co-workers or who you know not random ones.

This group part is a thing of past IMO (i dont see many examples otherthan fb)
already requested this while back.... collaboration based albums are absolutely awesome...think about that you go out with a group friends etc and you all can add your photos in the same folder like....."Berlin holiday 1.4.2015" --> 5 friends could all throw the photos in there
It could be "Open" to anyone or just to the people you follow/invite and so on. I believe that is something interesting to add to the system.
I'd still expect that a group construct has one explicit owner....IE: one user is the group admin; ultimately "responsible" for all content of that group. That user can invite other users to the group(s) they manage..
other group-member-users have minimal add-image rm-my-added-images privs. (so group1-user-2 can't delete group1-user-3's images posted in group1-album-foobar) ((without explicit permissions to do so)) )

this isn't a dissolution of responsibility mechanism; but an inclusive collaboration mechanism;
ultimately one 'user construct' has to retain responsibility for the album(s) and image(s) created by the group....

group-members' submitted/posted content becomes the "property/responsibility" of the group-admin to administer; falling back to the instance-admin

IMO: abuse/other notification notices should go to group-admin and instance-admin in addition to the posting-user.... abuse/reporting scores should apply to the individual-who-posted, the group, and the group-admin.. (if that sorta stuff is tracked)
I'm evaluating the possibility to either open the albums for that or to create "sets" that works like group albums.
If you do, then you may as well create a group / community feature entirely. Where they know the name of the community/group they're part of, can comment or participate in the events and even add / remove albums / photos.