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Moved Images?

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Chevereto Member
I did a bit of searching, but either I'm searching the wrong things, or doing something wrong.

If I moved my "images" folder to say "img", how would users who are still using the old path be updated?

So if someone is using "http://www.imgsite.com/images/38fhs.jpg" and I moved the folder to "img", how would they still be able to use the old link without it saying that the image is not there and automatically show the new path?

I'm assuming a ".htaccess" edit?
You should rename the folder and then make a .htaccess rule to preserve the /oldfolder with a rewrite rule to /newfolder.
Rodolfo said:
You should rename the folder and then make a .htaccess rule to preserve the /oldfolder with a rewrite rule to /newfolder.

Yeah, but what is the .htaccess rule or what should I put? I did search and tried some things, but like I said, either I'm Googling the wrong terms, or I'm just plain doing it wrong.
I think I got it. Just added the following to the root .htaccess file.

RedirectMatch 301 /images/(.*) /NEWIMAGESFOLDERNAME/$1

And change the settings in config.php.
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