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Missing gd format(s)


Chevereto Member
I've update to the latest version 3 and my site stopped working.

Missing gd format(s)​

The gd image library in this provisioning lacks support for the following image format(s):

  • WEBP
Check our documentation on Image library requirements to workaround this.

I've contacted my host they said to ask developer.
They've relentlessly looked for a fix and even re-installed GD with no solution.
They read docs on google in regards to the script and this issue - tried workarounds.
They claimed it was fixed and this shouldn't be happening -per developers documentation regarding the issue.
So now I'm posting here - hoping to get this fixed somehow.
I've attached a screen shot of the error message and also the last message I got from my hosting.

I have a license for this software I purchased some time ago and it should be tied to this account I'm logged in with.
Thank you.


  • chev.PNG
    21 KB · Views: 2
  • sss.PNG
    4.7 KB · Views: 2
Screenshot if this helps - I dont see a WEBP field. I dont know if my the version of Cent supports WEBP - script worked fine for many years on the server. It's after this recent update it broke.

Also tried adding these 2 lines to app/settings.php
$settings['image_library'] = 'gd';
$settings['image_formats_available'] = ['PNG', 'GIF', 'BMP', 'JPG'];

And somewhat site loads now - just no images will load.

I get this message

Notices (1)
  • System database is outdated. You need to run the update tool
Which takes me to...

Convert MyISAM tables to InnoDB​

Database table storage engine needs to be updated to InnoDB. Run the following command(s) in your MySQL console:

ALTER TABLE chv_albums ENGINE = InnoDB;
ALTER TABLE chv_images ENGINE = InnoDB;
ALTER TABLE chv_redirects ENGINE = InnoDB;
ALTER TABLE chv_users ENGINE = InnoDB;

I'm afraid to touch anything else lol and really not sure how to run those commands - i tried in php admin / sql. Kinda over my head - something I've never done - but this was the result.
I got another error.


SQL query:
ALTER TABLE chv_albums ENGINE = InnoDB
MySQL said:
#1214 - The used table type doesn't support FULLTEXT indexes


  • gd.PNG
    34.5 KB · Views: 2
Last edited:
  1. It is totally normal that you experience all these issues as your installation is old and you aren't in charge of your infra. It shouldn't surprise you that the update breaks or that GD there lacks of webp support.
  2. We added settings that tweak the image library provisioning and the supported formats, but we can't carry the MySQL update automatically as we are still encountering issues with old installations running MySQL 5. It will take a while to get these queries 100% working for all installation use cases.
  3. We can't answer for your custom .htaccess root file, but it seems that you have a byte order mark in the beginning of that file. You must use a code editor to edit these files, not a text editor.
We could assist you with the database migration and all the other issues, that's an additional service known as "Extra Support" for which we charge $45 per incident.
  1. It is totally normal that you experience all these issues as your installation is old and you aren't in charge of your infra. It shouldn't surprise you that the update breaks or that GD there lacks of webp support.
  2. We added settings that tweak the image library provisioning and the supported formats, but we can't carry the MySQL update automatically as we are still encountering issues with old installations running MySQL 5. It will take a while to get these queries 100% working for all installation use cases.
  3. We can't answer for your custom .htaccess root file, but it seems that you have a byte order mark in the beginning of that file. You must use a code editor to edit these files, not a text editor.
We could assist you with the database migration and all the other issues, that's an additional service known as "Extra Support" for which we charge $45 per incident.
Thanks for the response.
I was able to get the site working again and also got apache renmote ip mod installed and working also.
However, the only underlying issue I have is getting 403 errors when I try to browse the site from any/ multiple web browsers (firefox,chrome,brave). I've checked browser settings and all are fine.
There is no ip blocking enabled on the server or in htaccess. I have also disabled hotlink & leeching protection in cloudflare and emptied all cache(s) on cloudflare & my browser's.
I'm not getting the 403 errors while viewing from my phone on the same network/same ip - just from multiple laptops.
Not sure what the issue could be - I've checked all settings on the browsers and all is setup right.
I also tried pausing cloudflare and the problem persisted.
If you know anything of why this may be happening - please let me know.
Thank you.
If you are seeing 403 errors on images even with CloudFlare disabled it means that your .htaccess or vhost is causing that.
I resolved the issue.
It was actually with hot link protection being enabeled.
"https://" version of the domain wasn't added to the list.
Just http & www
I added the https:// version to the list and all is working fine now.