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Medium thumbnail question


Chevereto Member

A little question, is it possible to change the medium thumbnail picture from max hight to max widht? Therefor for new uploaded images.

sorry for my bad englisch. I do my best :)
But, i think you have me not understand. However have i a solution found for my own question.
And have the width change repaced with height.

In the file app\lib\classes\class.image.php

// Medium sized image
            if($image_upload['uploaded']['fileinfo']['height'] > $medium_size or $is_animated_image) {
                $image_medium_options = [];
                $image_medium_options['height'] = $medium_size;
                if($is_animated_image) {
                    $image_medium_options['forced'] = true;
                    $image_medium_options['height'] = min($image_medium_options['height'], $image_upload['uploaded']['fileinfo']['height']);