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Max size



In config.php
$max_mb = '5.0';
$max_by = $max_mb*1048576; // Maximo tama?o de imagen en bytes)
$max_name = '10'; // Caracteres maximos (no incluye ext y ".")
$mini_ancho = '3000'; // Ancho del thumb (pixels)
$mini_alto = '3000'; // Alto del thumb (pixels)
$lowres = '2'; // Minimo ancho a redimensionar
$higres = '3000'; // Maximo ancho de redimension
but then i upload image which size is 3mb it download 1minute and then i see an error "you must complete part of the form in order to continue"
Help me please!
Sorry for my bad english
i think no,i do it in my site too and problem in my site is too
and what do I do? how to fix?
You have to change the max execution time, memory limit, max upload, etc in php.ini
To change php.ini come VPS(VDS) or standart hosting?
Where in the php.ini to change it all?
In my hosting i can change
upload_max_filesize ? PHP, Mb:
post_max_size ? PHP, Mb:
max_execution_time ? PHP, ???:
magic_quotes_gpc ? PHP: