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Manage active login sessions/devices


🥑 Chevereto Godlike
Chevereto Staff
💡Describe your Feature request

Chevereto supports multiple login sessions 👏, but it doesn't allow users to control these sessions 🤭. This RFC is about adding the ability for users to list the other active sessions (IP, device, etc.) and to control what to do with these. I believe that the user should be able to at least remove that session (I have no other ideas, let me know your thoughts).

👏Where did you saw this?

Gmail has this stuff, also GitHub. You can see the IP/location and a remove session button.

🔥Interest outside our community

I presume that this functionality is getting universal interest among the top tier software products out there.
Maybe have access tokens associated with devices/sessions, such as GitHub, Facebook, Microsoft, Google. Revoking the tokens should end the session.
Based on this add a option to find to find the fake profile as people will create multiple account to bypass the storage limit we define for free user group and paid user group.