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Listing viewer close button has to be tapped twice on mobile phone after idle

PHP version
Database driver
Database version
Web browser
Chrome iOS


👽 Chevereto Freak
*️⃣ Must open one ticket per issue. If you are experiencing multiple issues don't hesitate to create multiple tickets for each issue.

▶ Reproduction steps
  1. Make sure list viewer is enabled
  2. open any image from list
  3. keep the image opened in list viewer for few seconds
  4. After idle time when other tools, author avatar and share button disappers, tap on close button
😢 Unexpected result

Instead of closing the image, all hidden buttons are revealed. Which is not intuitive, and makes no sense when close button is always visible.
From user perspective, the intuitive expected behaviour is that tapping on close button will close the image.
It is also frustrating to tap the close button twice to close each image, when close button is right there, and user will always tap the close button to close the image and not to bring other button to visibiility.
I did not put in RFC, because it should be the default behaviour and I assume it was intended behaviour.

📃 Error log message

Listing viewer doesn't behave like that for me and it doesn't require double tap.

Tested on Chrome mobile (ios and android).
It behaves like that when you keep the image open and idle for sometime when buttons disappears. When tap on x button it reveals the hidden buttons and then you have to press the x again.

The buttons must go in idle mode. If you just open and close the image you won’t reproduce this bug.
Here is the screen recording on iOS, safari.

The link will expire in 2 days. ( couldn’t find a reliable video host that I could use to share short screen recording.)

As you can see first few images were closed immediately before letting the image be idle. The last image is left idle and x was tapped. It revealed user avatar, and then had to press x again.

Edit: Download the video here if streamable link expires.

Edit2: Here is the better representation of the bug. Download video.
In the screen recorded video you can see, if left idle, the first tap on x button reveals the hidden button, and second tap actually closes the image.
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