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Jquery version


Chevereto Noob
This is the jquery version of cheveroto, build upon Jquery 1.4 and Chevereto 1.8. It should however work on/with old version too.

I did this just too see if i could and because some one asked for it.

Now what does it do?
Not really that much, i just ported the default Chevereto to jquery. By default it utilizes prototype and scriptaculous, which is fine and there is nothing wrong with it but they are big, all together it has to download 120kb, which means your site will be a bit slower. Now this isn't noticeable because the rest of the page is optimized. Using the version i made you only have to get about 23kb, a saving of about 100kb downloading.

But the real benefit which i think is because jquery is very easy to learn and has a great library of plugin you can just drop in. And now all functionality is provided by jquery you don't have to worry about conflicts.

What plugins are there?
look here: http://plugins.jquery.com/

Without further adue, Here is the link:
There are 3 files, the js only, base (just he php files/css/image/js) and a full with all the doc's, extentions and stuff of the original package.

Note on the js only packed: i have not included jquery itself because i use google cnd to load it up on this project. Using google to host jquery has some speed benefits and makes it possible to have it automatically use the latest version.

Have fun with it and please report any bugs found :D
art0on said:
Please can you explain more what do this ?
Sorry for that, i made the topic a bit in a hurry and did not type it out completely. So i could give it to those who wanted it.
I have update the op
.Ice said:
installed it demo where are the images i installed it same way asi did for normal chevereto [without jquery]

I did not modify any files other then index.php and jquery-support.js
Your images are in the same folder as they have always been (site-img). However I get and 403 permission denied error when I try to access it on your site. Same with your lang folder, chmoding them to 775 should do the trick.
Rodolfo said:
Yay, I got it working on the demo http://demo.chevereto.com/ =)
But the save pref. is not working. Can you look up your code?
In what way not working?
I see a ajax call being made and a cookie named "prefurl" being added to my system when i check the box. I am calling it (pref.php) with the same parameters you did.
OK now i see what is, thanks for this great work. But i have a request from you. How to install this manual because i have costumized my design and when i replace with this my design is not anymore....

So i request from you on short points to tell me what codes to add on index.php and css (if have) and other... you know.
Sorry for double questions :(


EDIT: I tryed but can't get working :S
.Ice said:
i corected the flaws its working now
What flaws? you may pm so i can update the js in the download if needed
art0on said:
OK now i see what is, thanks for this great work. But i have a request from you. How to install this manual because i have costumized my design and when i replace with this my design is not anymore....

So i request from you on short points to tell me what codes to add on index.php and css (if have) and other... you know.
Sorry for double questions :(


EDIT: I tryed but can't get working :S
gamerlv said:
Rodolfo said:
Yay, I got it working on the demo http://demo.chevereto.com/ =)
But the save pref. is not working. Can you look up your code?
In what way not working?
I see a ajax call being made and a cookie named "prefurl" being added to my system when i check the box. I am calling it (pref.php) with the same parameters you did.

Hmmm weird. yesterday was not working =/
Maybe was my browser or some.

Is working now.
Thanks gamerlv.
I installed but with a problem :S the same problem with .Ice look at his site http://icemelts.co.cc/ try remote upload when switch to remote upload it's not same as http://demo.chevereto.com/

im very sorry for double question but i don't know that much to correct this problem... so i request from you to see where is the problem.

art0on said:
Thanks gamerlv.
I installed but with a problem :S the same problem with .Ice look at his site http://icemelts.co.cc/ try remote upload when switch to remote upload it's not same as http://demo.chevereto.com/

im very sorry for double question but i don't know that much to correct this problem... so i request from you to see where is the problem.


I also noted that. It seems that the shake effect is not the same in scriptaculous because it wraps some blank space in divs, headings, etc. I don't know if this is a glitch or some.

But... I change the effect and I like it more now (see at the demo).

Rodolfo said:
art0on said:
Thanks gamerlv.
I installed but with a problem :S the same problem with .Ice look at his site http://icemelts.co.cc/ try remote upload when switch to remote upload it's not same as http://demo.chevereto.com/

im very sorry for double question but i don't know that much to correct this problem... so i request from you to see where is the problem.


I also noted that. It seems that the shake effect is not the same in scriptaculous because it wraps some blank space in divs, headings, etc. I don't know if this is a glitch or some.

But... I change the effect and I like it more now (see at the demo).


Yeah and i also like it more now in the demo :D
So, how to make it? What to change...

Change jquery_support.js to this:
* Jquery support for cheveroto
* By: Gamerlv ( aka piratelv)
*contact piratelv@gmx.com
// instead of this bit of code $.delay can be used, this will however break compatablity with jquery 1.3
$.fn.wait = function(time, type) {time = time || 1000; type = type || "fx"; return this.queue(type, function() {var self = this; setTimeout(function() { $(self).dequeue(); }, time); }); };
function error() {
    //Ask where this is for? id's not found
    //error close button
    $('#error span').append('<span id="error-close" style="font-size:8px;position:relative;top:-11px;right:-15px;background:red;text-decoration:none;"><a href="#">X</a></span>');
        $('#error-close a').click(function(){
            return false;
        });    */
    //Redo if someone tried to resize a image above or below the max/min size
        $(this).parent().parent().stop(true,true).effect("highlight", {}, 1500);


// Prefrance panel
function pref() {
//make it not search the dom each time.
var $opened =  $('a#popen'), //The blue buton
    $closed = $('a#pclosed'), //The gray button
    $prefPanel = $('#pref-panel');
//Open the pref panel
//Close the pref panel
//Accutaly change the cookie for preferances and hightlight
        $prefPanel.stop(true,true).effect("highlight", {}, 500);
        var checked = $(this).is(':checked') ? '1':'0';            
        var url = 'js/pref.php?url='+checked;
        $.ajax({ url: url });
//Close button

// Upload block and related
function upload() {
    var $localUP = $('#localUP'),
        $remoteT = $('a.remota'),
        $localT = $('a.local'),
        $uploadDiv = $('#contenedorupload'),
        $uploadBtn = $('#subir'),
        $resize = $('#resize'),
        $ropen = $('a#ropen'),
        $rclose =$('a#rclosed'),
        $progBar = $('#enviando');
    //Switch to the remote tab
    //switch to the local tab    
    //clicked effect on upload bar
        $uploadDiv.stop(true,true).effect("highlight", {}, 1500);
    //open resize box
    //close it
    //highlight effect on upload box
        $(this).parent().stop(true,true).effect("highlight", {}, 1500);
    //and fade out the upload button if pressed
function process() {
//Just add a scroll down to #share when share button clicked

function viewer() {
    var $sopen =  $('a#sharing'),
        $sclose = $('a#sharing-close');
    //open up the share box and scroll to it    

// Social labels
function social() {
//all descriptions,neatly in vars :D
var $d1 = $('#d-delicious'),
    $facebook = $('#d-facebook'),
    $google = $('#d-google'),
    $tumbler = $('#d-tumblr'),
    $twitter = $('#d-twitter'),
    $vis = $('#d-visualizeus');
