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  • Chevereto Support CLST

    Support response

    Support checklist

    • ⚠️ Got a Something went wrong message? Read this guide and provide the actual error. Do not skip this.
    • ✅ Confirm that the server meets the System Requirements
    • 🔥 Check for any available Hotfix - your issue could be already reported/fixed
    • 📚 Read documentation - It will be required to Debug and understand Errors for a faster support response

JPG - Something went wrong: ⚠ errorId #05be602701bdd238

uplaod jpg show:- filename.JPG - Something went wrong: ⚠ errorId #05be602701bdd238
Website URL
PHP version
Database driver
Database version
Web browser


Chevereto Member
👉 Run our Container based provisioning and document the settings and context that trigger the alleged bug.

*️⃣ Make sure to test the bug in the Docker infra, let us know whatever the bug happens (or not) there.

▶ Reproduction steps
  1. [Example: Update from X to Y
  2. [Example: Open the website]
  3. [Example: Go to /upload and upload a X image]
😢 Unexpected result

[Example: The website responds with a 500 error, in some routes it is just a white screen.]

📃 Error log message

[Example: Attached is the server error log relevant to this issue]


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  • 微信图片_20220608212356.png
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Goto /app/settings.php and add this line next to your DB info

$settings['debug_level'] = 2;

And then, try to upload it and share the screenshot of the error.

Printed debug is enabled because debug_level=2

Encoding format (tmp) is not supported.

#0 F:\wwwroot\cape2022.imgcspa.com\app\vendor\intervention\image\src\Intervention\Image\AbstractDriver.php(79): Intervention\Image\AbstractEncoder->process(Object(Intervention\Image\Image), 'tmp', NULL)
#1 F:\wwwroot\cape2022.imgcspa.com\app\vendor\intervention\image\src\Intervention\Image\Image.php(121): Intervention\Image\AbstractDriver->encode(Object(Intervention\Image\Image), 'tmp', NULL)
#2 F:\wwwroot\cape2022.imgcspa.com\app\vendor\intervention\image\src\Intervention\Image\Image.php(146): Intervention\Image\Image->encode('tmp', NULL)
#3 F:\wwwroot\cape2022.imgcspa.com\app\lib\classes\class.upload.php(129): Intervention\Image\Image->save()
#4 F:\wwwroot\cape2022.imgcspa.com\app\lib\classes\class.image.php(504): CHV\Upload->exec()
#5 F:\wwwroot\cape2022.imgcspa.com\app\lib\classes\class.image.php(646): CHV\Image::upload(Array, 'F:/wwwroot/cape...', NULL, Array, NULL, true)
#6 F:\wwwroot\cape2022.imgcspa.com\app\routes\route.json.php(90): CHV\Image::uploadToWebsite(Array, Array, Array)
#7 F:\wwwroot\cape2022.imgcspa.com\lib\G\classes\class.handler.php(230): G\Handler->{closure}(Object(G\Handler))
#8 F:\wwwroot\cape2022.imgcspa.com\lib\G\classes\class.handler.php(130): G\Handler->processRequest()
#9 F:\wwwroot\cape2022.imgcspa.com\app\web.php(407): G\Handler->__construct(Array)
#10 F:\wwwroot\cape2022.imgcspa.com\app\loader.php(230): require_once('F:\\wwwroot\\cape...')
#11 F:\wwwroot\cape2022.imgcspa.com\index.php(20): include_once('F:\\wwwroot\\cape...')
#12 {main}

what should I do next ?
I just went to your website and I can see lots of images uploaded. Are you getting this error only for specific images? If so please attach that image in ZIP format.
👉 Run our Container based provisioning and document the settings and context that trigger the alleged bug.

*️⃣ Make sure to test the bug in the Docker infra, let us know whatever the bug happens (or not) there.

▶ Reproduction steps
  1. [Example: Update from X to Y
  2. [Example: Open the website]
  3. [Example: Go to /upload and upload a X image]
😢 Unexpected result

[Example: The website responds with a 500 error, in some routes it is just a white screen.]

📃 Error log message

[Example: Attached is the server error log relevant to this issue]

Have you solve this problem,because i am facing with same problem after upgrading from V3 to V4 ?


  • error.png
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