Hi there
I run also in the /install not found error. I've read multiple threads to this topic here but the end either in please contact us directly or please contact your hosting provider.
For me.. it's just a little raspberry pi with preset OS on it. Me and my friends wanted to run it as photo album but better than many other providers and disconnected from the open wide world you know?
Now I read multiple times that it may be needed to put some extra rules in the .htaccess as the /install folder isn't a folder - it's just a forward to another folder or file. I've looked into the installer file I downloaded from the panel. In line 81 there are some lines showing something with define. Is that the code we should put into the .htaccess? And where excactly in this file, something is already in there. I attached the actual content of the file as TXT.
Would be fantastic if someone wants to help out and can tell me what to do here to get it running. My hope is to get it up one time and then never shut it down anymore.
Ah and it is Apache2 running, along with php7.2 and a load of addons (cli + chevereto required) and a mysql server.
I run also in the /install not found error. I've read multiple threads to this topic here but the end either in please contact us directly or please contact your hosting provider.
For me.. it's just a little raspberry pi with preset OS on it. Me and my friends wanted to run it as photo album but better than many other providers and disconnected from the open wide world you know?
Now I read multiple times that it may be needed to put some extra rules in the .htaccess as the /install folder isn't a folder - it's just a forward to another folder or file. I've looked into the installer file I downloaded from the panel. In line 81 there are some lines showing something with define. Is that the code we should put into the .htaccess? And where excactly in this file, something is already in there. I attached the actual content of the file as TXT.
Would be fantastic if someone wants to help out and can tell me what to do here to get it running. My hope is to get it up one time and then never shut it down anymore.
Ah and it is Apache2 running, along with php7.2 and a load of addons (cli + chevereto required) and a mysql server.