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Imagecounter in Footer

This shows the image counter and the total size (function reused from above) :

X images uploaded for a total of X

    function showSize($size_in_bytes) {
        $value = 0;        
        if ($size_in_bytes >= 1073741824) {
            $value = round($size_in_bytes/1073741824*10)/10;
            return  ($round) ? round($value) . 'Gb' : "{$value} GB";
        } else if ($size_in_bytes >= 1048576) {
            $value = round($size_in_bytes/1048576*10)/10;
            return  ($round) ? round($value) . 'Mb' : "{$value} MB";
        } else if ($size_in_bytes >= 1024) {
            $value = round($size_in_bytes/1024*10)/10;
            return  ($round) ? round($value) . 'Kb' : "{$value} KB";
        } else {
            return "$size_in_bytes bytes";
    $db = mysql_connect('localhost', 'DATABASE_LOGIN', 'DATABASE_PASSWORD'); 
    $sql = 'SELECT count(image_id), sum(image_size) FROM chv_images'; 
    $req = mysql_query($sql) or die('SQL Error !<br>'.$sql.'<br>'.mysql_error()); 
    $data = mysql_fetch_assoc($req);
    echo $data['count(image_id)'].' images uploaded for a total of '.showSize($data['sum(image_size)']); 

I'd like to get more documentation about the built in pdo query stuff to make a better imagecounter ;)
rain, how to make it look like this please:
Total of XXX images uploaded using YYY of space

Thanks in advance :)
    function showSize($size_in_bytes) {
        $value = 0;        
        if ($size_in_bytes >= 1073741824) {
            $value = round($size_in_bytes/1073741824*10)/10;
            return  ($round) ? round($value) . 'Gb' : "{$value} GB";
        } else if ($size_in_bytes >= 1048576) {
            $value = round($size_in_bytes/1048576*10)/10;
            return  ($round) ? round($value) . 'Mb' : "{$value} MB";
        } else if ($size_in_bytes >= 1024) {
            $value = round($size_in_bytes/1024*10)/10;
            return  ($round) ? round($value) . 'Kb' : "{$value} KB";
        } else {
            return "$size_in_bytes bytes";
    $db = mysql_connect('localhost', 'DATABASE_LOGIN', 'DATABASE_PASSWORD'); 
    $sql = 'SELECT count(image_id), sum(image_size) FROM chv_images'; 
    $req = mysql_query($sql) or die('SQL Error !<br>'.$sql.'<br>'.mysql_error()); 
    $data = mysql_fetch_assoc($req);
    echo 'Total of '.$data['count(image_id)'].' images uploaded using '.showSize($data['sum(image_size)']).' of space'; 

Thank you very much! :)
One more question though (of course, if it is possible)...
is there a way to make the numbers (images and size) red so they'll get noticed better?

Thank you again.
    function showSize($size_in_bytes) {
        $value = 0;        
        if ($size_in_bytes >= 1073741824) {
            $value = round($size_in_bytes/1073741824*10)/10;
            return  ($round) ? round($value) . 'Gb' : "{$value} GB";
        } else if ($size_in_bytes >= 1048576) {
            $value = round($size_in_bytes/1048576*10)/10;
            return  ($round) ? round($value) . 'Mb' : "{$value} MB";
        } else if ($size_in_bytes >= 1024) {
            $value = round($size_in_bytes/1024*10)/10;
            return  ($round) ? round($value) . 'Kb' : "{$value} KB";
        } else {
            return "$size_in_bytes bytes";
    $db = mysql_connect('localhost', 'DATABASE_LOGIN', 'DATABASE_PASSWORD'); 
    $sql = 'SELECT count(image_id), sum(image_size) FROM chv_images'; 
    $req = mysql_query($sql) or die('SQL Error !<br>'.$sql.'<br>'.mysql_error()); 
    $data = mysql_fetch_assoc($req);
    echo 'Total of <font color="red">'.$data['count(image_id)'].'</font> images uploaded using <font color="red">'.showSize($data['sum(image_size)']).'</font> of space'; 

why are you guys doing a new connection while you already have the built in pdo query method ?
I'd like to get more documentation about the built in pdo query stuff to make a better imagecounter ;)

I'd love to use the pdo query BUT i didn't find any documentation about it so I dunno how to use it, as I said earlier !
I'd love to use the pdo query BUT i didn't find any documentation about it so I dunno how to use it, as I said earlier !

take a look at class.db.php and class.upload.php, you can pretty much understand how it works by looking at the code there
You don't need documentation.. Just run a PDO query using the $db object that comes un class.db.php
I used the integrated total_images_uploaded(); function found in functions.php

<br /><p><?php echo "Hosted Images: ".number_format(total_images_uploaded()).""; ?></p>

In my footer.php

<div id="foot">
    <div id="in-foot">
        <div id="foot-content">
                <?php show_page_links('<li>'); ?>
                <?php if(is_logged_user() || is_admin()) :?><li><a rel="logout"><?php show_lang_txt('txt_logout'); ?></a></li><?php endif; ?>
            <br /><p><?php echo "Hosted Images: ".number_format(total_images_uploaded()).""; ?></p>
            <p>(C) 2012 <a href="http://chevereto.com/" target="_blank" title="Chevereto Image Upload Script" id="c_chevereto">Chevereto</a></p>

Works pretty much anywhere, Figure I'll share this solution instead of creating a new function.
If you want to show the space used, add these two functions below to your functions.php :

* total_images_uploaded_size
* returns the total size of images uploaded
function total_images_uploaded_size() {
    global $dB;
    $uploaded_qry = $dB->query_fetch_single("SELECT sum(image_size) as total FROM chv_images;");
    return $uploaded_qry["total"];
* showSize
* returns the value in Gb, Mb or Kb
function showSize($size_in_bytes) {
    $value = 0; 
    if ($size_in_bytes >= 1073741824) {
        $value = round($size_in_bytes/1073741824*10)/10;
        return  ($round) ? round($value) . 'Gb' : "{$value} GB";
    } else if ($size_in_bytes >= 1048576) {
        $value = round($size_in_bytes/1048576*10)/10;
        return  ($round) ? round($value) . 'Mb' : "{$value} MB";
    } else if ($size_in_bytes >= 1024) {
        $value = round($size_in_bytes/1024*10)/10;
        return  ($round) ? round($value) . 'Kb' : "{$value} KB";
    } else {
        return "$size_in_bytes bytes";

Then in your footer.php or wherever, add this :

<?php echo showSize(total_images_uploaded_size()); ?>

You can now show something like this using all functions :
This doesn't work for me, i used to. Once i installed AUS, however. It did no longer.

<br /><?php echo "Hosted Images: ".number_format(total_images_uploaded()).""; ?>
<br />
//To calculate and count directories//GNU GPL v3 - LMPF
function getDirectorySize($path)
  $totalsize = 0;
  $totalcount = 0;
  $dircount = 0;
  if ($handle = opendir ($path))
    while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle)))
      $nextpath = $path . '/' . $file;
      if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && !is_link ($nextpath))
        if (is_dir ($nextpath))
          $result = getDirectorySize($nextpath);
          $totalsize += $result['size'];
          $totalcount += $result['count'];
          $dircount += $result['dircount'];
        elseif (is_file ($nextpath))
          $totalsize += filesize ($nextpath);
  closedir ($handle);
  $total['size'] = $totalsize;
  $total['count'] = $totalcount;
  $total['dircount'] = $dircount;
  return $total;
function sizeFormat($size)
        return $size." bytes";
    else if($size<(1024*1024))
        return $size." KB";
    else if($size<(1024*1024*1024))
        return $size." MB";
        return $size." GB";
echo "Space Used : ".sizeFormat($ar['size'])."<br>";

Even that? Because it's working for me.
<br /><?php echo "Hosted Images: ".number_format(total_images_uploaded()).""; ?>
<br />
//To calculate and count directories//GNU GPL v3 - LMPF
function getDirectorySize($path)
  $totalsize = 0;
  $totalcount = 0;
  $dircount = 0;
  if ($handle = opendir ($path))
    while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle)))
      $nextpath = $path . '/' . $file;
      if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && !is_link ($nextpath))
        if (is_dir ($nextpath))
          $result = getDirectorySize($nextpath);
          $totalsize += $result['size'];
          $totalcount += $result['count'];
          $dircount += $result['dircount'];
        elseif (is_file ($nextpath))
          $totalsize += filesize ($nextpath);
  closedir ($handle);
  $total['size'] = $totalsize;
  $total['count'] = $totalcount;
  $total['dircount'] = $dircount;
  return $total;
function sizeFormat($size)
        return $size." bytes";
    else if($size<(1024*1024))
        return $size." KB";
    else if($size<(1024*1024*1024))
        return $size." MB";
        return $size." GB";
echo "Space Used : ".sizeFormat($ar['size'])."<br>";

Even that? Because it's working for me.

Yeah i fixed it, i put it in the functions.php file in my theme folder, it works fine in includes/functions.php, silly me haha
I have 18 images uploaded on my site, but it states that 0 Images have been uploaded so far. Help :'( I used the code from the first code