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Imagecounter in Footer


👽 Chevereto Freak
To show how many Images were uploaded use the following code in your footer.php:

<div id="foot">
    <div id="in-foot">
        <div id="foot-content">
                <?php show_page_links('<li>'); ?>
                <?php if(is_logged_user() || is_admin()) :?><li><a rel="logout"><?php show_lang_txt('txt_logout'); ?></a></li><?php endif; ?>
            <br /><p><?php echo "Hosted Images: ".number_format(total_images_uploaded()).""; ?></p>
            <p>(C) 2012 <a href="http://chevereto.com/" target="_blank" title="Chevereto Image Upload Script" id="c_chevereto">Chevereto</a></p>

Everything below is for older Versions than 2.1.0

If you want an imagecounter like me:


you have to edit your footer.php

<span style="position: absolute; right: 0; top: 50px; margin-right: 25px"><?php
// Add number of uploaded images. smed79
// $files to liste *.* in "./images" ex: (.jpg, .png, etc...)
$files = glob("images/*.*");
// Variable $compteur counting files lister ($files) in "./images"
$compteur = count($files);
echo "There are <font color=#FF0000>$compteur</font>";
if ($compteur > 1) { echo " images uploaded so far"; }
else { echo " images uploaded so far"; }

in your style.css ( /Paefowl/style.css)

    #in-foot {
        clear: both;
        padding: 25px;
        overflow: auto;
        [b]position: relative;[/b]

Thanks to:smed79 and Rodolfo


This counter works in chevereto v. 2.0.0 - 2.0.11
Please notice that since 2.0.3 the path is:
An easier way of doing it is to add the following code below the copyright notice in footer.php:

$files = glob("images/*.*");
$counter = count($files);
echo "<b>$counter</b></font>";
if ($counter > 1) { echo " images"; }
else { echo " images"; }

This counts how many files are in the /images/ folder and returns the value 'xxx Images'. You can change where it says " images" to any text you like.
why not use short code like
<span style="position: absolute; right: 0; top: 40px; margin-right: 28px">There are <font color=#FF9900><b><?php echo count(glob(__CHV_PATH_THUMBS__."*",GLOB_NOSORT)); ?></b></font> images uploaded so far</span>

?? that code above gives you the same results and is less complicate :)
tonemapped said:
An easier way of doing it is to add the following code below the copyright notice in footer.php:

$files = glob("images/*.*");
$counter = count($files);
echo "<b>$counter</b></font>";
if ($counter > 1) { echo " images"; }
else { echo " images"; }

This counts how many files are in the /images/ folder and returns the value 'xxx Images'. You can change where it says " images" to any text you like.

Awesome, that works like a charm!
Is it possible to add the amount of data in MB/GB ?

EDIT: well i found out myself, not the best code in the world but works

        function filesize_r($path){
        if(!file_exists($path)) return 0;
        if(is_file($path)) return filesize($path);
        $ret = 0;
        foreach(glob($path."/*.*") as $fn)
        $ret += filesize_r($fn);
        return $ret;
        function showSize($size_in_bytes) {
        $value = 0;        
        if ($size_in_bytes >= 1073741824) {
            $value = round($size_in_bytes/1073741824*10)/10;
            return  ($round) ? round($value) . 'Gb' : "{$value} GB";
        } else if ($size_in_bytes >= 1048576) {
            $value = round($size_in_bytes/1048576*10)/10;
            return  ($round) ? round($value) . 'Mb' : "{$value} MB";
        } else if ($size_in_bytes >= 1024) {
            $value = round($size_in_bytes/1024*10)/10;
            return  ($round) ? round($value) . 'Kb' : "{$value} KB";
        } else {
            return "$size_in_bytes bytes";
    $path = "i";
    $total_size = filesize_r($path);
    echo " for a total of <b>".showSize($total_size)."</b>";
Where are you placing this code?

In the footer?

bubbl3 said:
Is it possible to add the amount of data in MB/GB ?

EDIT: well i found out myself, not the best code in the world but works

        function filesize_r($path){
        if(!file_exists($path)) return 0;
        if(is_file($path)) return filesize($path);
        $ret = 0;
        foreach(glob($path."/*.*") as $fn)
        $ret += filesize_r($fn);
        return $ret;
        function showSize($size_in_bytes) {
        $value = 0;        
        if ($size_in_bytes >= 1073741824) {
            $value = round($size_in_bytes/1073741824*10)/10;
            return  ($round) ? round($value) . 'Gb' : "{$value} GB";
        } else if ($size_in_bytes >= 1048576) {
            $value = round($size_in_bytes/1048576*10)/10;
            return  ($round) ? round($value) . 'Mb' : "{$value} MB";
        } else if ($size_in_bytes >= 1024) {
            $value = round($size_in_bytes/1024*10)/10;
            return  ($round) ? round($value) . 'Kb' : "{$value} KB";
        } else {
            return "$size_in_bytes bytes";
    $path = "i";
    $total_size = filesize_r($path);
    echo " for a total of <b>".showSize($total_size)."</b>";
wethead said:
Where are you placing this code?

In the footer?

Yes, this is the complete code to have something like this: 198319 images uploaded for a total of 1.7 GB

    $files = glob("i/*.*");
    $counter = count($files);
    echo "<b>19$counter</b></font>";
    if ($counter > 1) { echo " images uploaded"; }
    else { echo " images"; }

    function filesize_r($path){
        if(!file_exists($path)) return 0;
        if(is_file($path)) return filesize($path);
        $ret = 0;
        foreach(glob($path."/*.*") as $fn)
        $ret += filesize_r($fn);
        return $ret;
    function showSize($size_in_bytes) {
        $value = 0;        
        if ($size_in_bytes >= 1073741824) {
            $value = round($size_in_bytes/1073741824*10)/10;
            return  ($round) ? round($value) . 'Gb' : "{$value} GB";
        } else if ($size_in_bytes >= 1048576) {
            $value = round($size_in_bytes/1048576*10)/10;
            return  ($round) ? round($value) . 'Mb' : "{$value} MB";
        } else if ($size_in_bytes >= 1024) {
            $value = round($size_in_bytes/1024*10)/10;
            return  ($round) ? round($value) . 'Kb' : "{$value} KB";
        } else {
            return "$size_in_bytes bytes";
    $path = "i";
    $total_size = filesize_r($path);
    echo " for a total of <b>".showSize($total_size)."</b>";

Totally unrefined, feel free to fix it.
You could use a mysql query ; select count(image_id) from chv_images for example.

Same for the total size used.