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Image URL


Chevereto Member
Hello Please tell me how to do that would be short image url and Viewer kept on one character and example jhsdgfbsd
Sorry for my English, I'm from Russia

function chevereto_id($var, $action='encode') {
    $base_chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; // DON'T REPEAT A SINGLE CHAR!
    for ($n = 0; $n<strlen($base_chars); $n++) {
        $i[] = substr( $base_chars,$n ,1);
    $passhash = hash('sha256',__CHV_CRYPT_SALT__);
    $passhash = (strlen($passhash) < strlen($base_chars)) ? hash('sha512',__CHV_CRYPT_SALT__) : $passhash;
    for ($n=0; $n < strlen($base_chars); $n++) {
        $p[] =  substr($passhash, $n ,1);
    array_multisort($p, SORT_DESC, $i);
    $base_chars = implode($i);
    switch($action) {
        case 'encode':
            $string = '';
            $len = strlen($base_chars);
            while($var >= $len) {
                $mod = bcmod($var, $len);
                $var = bcdiv($var, $len);
                $string = $base_chars[$mod].$string;
            return $base_chars[$var] . $string;
        case 'decode':
            $integer = 0;
            $var = strrev($var );
            $baselen = strlen( $base_chars );
            $inputlen = strlen( $var );
            for ($i = 0; $i < $inputlen; $i++) {
                $index = strpos($base_chars, $var[$i] );
                $integer = bcadd($integer, bcmul($index, bcpow($baselen, $i)));
            return $integer;
Guys, Chevereto doesn't use pad up and the short URL is NOT TO HIDE the images!. You will do a lot with pad up, aesdfYYnb vs YYnb.. Like no one will guess what is the pad up.
See, well, this is too short url, anyone can see the brute force http://llln.ru/J if he was such http://llln.ru/JKdn3 then it would be difficult to find

Like I said before, the short url purpuse is get a short url, period. The purpose of the short url never has been hide the images or add a layer of pricacy. Privacy will be added with password protected images in v3.
The new version of Chevereto, in the admin part all files are opened as domen.com/XXX, how do as in the "old" version - domen.com/images/0000/00/00/XXXXXXXX.xxx?
I edit admin/content/system/js/admin.js
file_html =
                    '<div class="'+list_item.replace(".", "")+'" id="'+value.image_id+'">\
                            <a class="title link" href="'+value.image_shorturl+'" target="_blank">'+image_name+'</a><span class="'+checkbox_class+'"></span>\
                            <div class="thumb">\
                                <img src="'+value.image_thumb_url+'" alt="" width="'+th_width+'" height="'+th_height+'" />\
                                <span class="attr">'+value.image_width+'x'+value.image_height+'</span>\
                                <span class="size">'+value.image_size+'</span>\
                            <div class="date">'+value.image_date+'</div>\


file_html =
                    '<div class="'+list_item.replace(".", "")+'" id="'+value.image_id+'">\
                            <a class="title link" href="'+value.image_url+'" target="_blank"><b>'+image_name+'</b></a><span class="'+checkbox_class+'"></span>\
                            <div class="thumb">\
                                <img src="'+value.image_thumb_url+'" alt="" width="'+th_width+'" height="'+th_height+'" />\
                                <span class="attr">'+value.image_width+'x'+value.image_height+'</span>\
                                <span class="size">'+value.image_size+'</span>\
                            <div class="date">'+value.image_date+'</div>\

result - url not change, nothing not changed