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Image upload not working

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Chevereto Member
Website URL

Chevereto version

Description of the issue
It seems since the TMD hosting moved our website into another server there are lots of bugs appeared on the site. Here's the list of issues we have encountered so far:
- image uploading top panel not working
- image heart/like not working
- select all thumbs
- icon beside thumbnails not working (select, flag as safe, edit, delete, etc)
Can you please let us know how to fix the issues.
You help will be highly appreciated.
Many Thanks.
I'm sorry to hear about this, but I can't help you if I can't test anything.

Please provide server and user credentials.

By the way, you should upgrade your website. I don't provide support for old releases.
Hi Rodolfo,
I have sent you the details on conversation section. Can you please check and let us know if you have any issues.
It seems that you forgot a comma in /app/lib/chevereto.js


You forgot a comma in L3263.
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