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Image Privacy management


Chevereto Noob

I have a little bit of trouble understanding how the privacy settings are applying to my setup.

Here is what I am trying to achieve :
- All is private by default
- All can be shared with a link
- No registration for new users

And If I followed the settings and docs properly I set as follows :
-Website privacy mode : private
- Content privacy mode : default

I bulk uploaded all my content as private so far.

I tried uploading a picture today that would be "public". After uploading, I have several link possibilities :

When I try, from an anonymous browser (not connected), I get the following results :
- Image link -> Login Page
- Image URLs -> Corresponding image

I was expecting the "Image Link" to open to whoever knows it, while direct URL would only work for registered users. Am I missing something in my configuration and making things wrong?

Additional question : When uploading the photo ended on my "profile" album which is public. The only way to make the picture private would be to have it moved to a private album?
Privacy is handled per album, not image. An image will inherit the album permission, if the image doesn't belong to any album it won't be private unless something else makes it private, like private mode = requires login.

Image URLs (like .jpg) will always work because all images static resources are public.
Privacy being handled at the album level I had figured. Image permission handled at the album level may get tricky once you get into virtual albums were the same image can be shared in several albums. But that is another topic (and the feature is not there yet if I understood correcly).

Since you can always share the link to an image via its URL I am not sure to see the point of having the "image link". But this may be linked to other use case than the one I have which is pretty basic.