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HTTP Error when installing via installer.php

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Chevereto Noob
🎯Description of the issue

I'm having issues installing Chevereto via the PHP installer file. My installer log is here: https://hastebin.com/uzexifuwah.css

I'm running on Ubuntu 18.04 and using NGINX as my web server, with a Certbot-issued SSL certificate. It is running through CloudFlare with protection enabled.

▶🚶‍Reproduction steps
  1. Get to near the end of the Chevereto install
  2. Click the install button and wait
  3. The errors linked above appear.
😢Unexpected result

I'm unable to complete the install as it gives the error: Error performing HTTP request

📃Error log message

03:13:58 Server use.the-fucking.tech PHP 7.2.30-1+ubuntu18.04.1+deb.sury.org+1

03:14:18 Software has been set to: chevereto-free

03:14:30 Database chevereto OK

03:14:44 Detecting existing cPanel .htaccess handlers

03:14:44 No .htaccess found

03:14:44 Downloading latest chevereto-free release

03:14:46 Downloaded chevereto-pkg-1ec6fbcd.zip (4.7 MB @3.35MB/s.)

03:14:46 Extracting chevereto-pkg-1ec6fbcd.zip

03:14:46 Extraction completeted (424 files in 0.18s)

03:14:46 Creating app/settings.php file

03:14:47 Settings file OK

03:14:47 Performing system setup

03:14:47 Error performing HTTP request

03:14:47 Process aborted
The error is indicating that the installer can't finish the install process.

You will have to go to /install and proceed with the old system.
Unfortunately, this ticket has more than seven days without a reply or feedback from the original poster. We will now consider this ticket abandoned and its now closed.

Don't hesitate to create a new ticket if this matter is still causing you issues.

Ticket closed.
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