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.htaccess for viewer page instead of direct link

I was going to make a thread for this but s-f-r-j beat me to it lol.

I've been googling around and learned that if you redirect the image this way, people can't hotlink direct images? I'm not too sure though the explanations I found were quite vague and I never really found a straight answer to this. Anyways if anyone has a solution or know how to do this please share, I think many members want to know this as well. :)
Well unlike Rodolfo said, it is not possible with mod_rewrite and htaccess, because users of your website could not hotlink your images anymore (except if this is what you want).

The only way would be to make a php script, redirect images to this script and the script will either show the image, or redirect to the viewer depending on your current URL.

It is totally possible, normally I would do it, but releasing this code, will release a part of a code I intend to sell...
I think that can be made with a bunch of conditions and overrides in htaccess, It could take to me a whole day to figure out the rules and stuff.

That doesn't means that I'm doing it... C'mon, search the web for mod rewrite conditionals and try to make it :p