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how its possible to change language


Chevereto Noob

so i want to do this project for local and i need to change language, and im interested how does it possible for me?

so the great version will be if there will be two options for language, English and my local Language.

so my second question is, if its possible to choose photo owner to get download access users or not.

and im interested if there lost any quality after upload photo, so if this engine are compressing or something, i want to upload all photos with their quality.

so i want to do this project for local and i need to change language, and im interested how does it possible for me?

Language can be managed in the following ways:
  • Admin can enable / disable global visible languages
  • Visitors can change the language hitting the language selection at the top bar
  • Users can change their language in their account settings
its possible to choose photo owner to get download access users or not.

if there lost any quality after upload photo, so if this engine are compressing or something, i want to upload all photos with their quality.
There won't be a quality drop unless you use the watermark functionality or the user chooses to strip EXIF tags. When one of those is active (or both of them) the image needs to be re-created and that alters the quality. If you don't use watermarks and you don't strip EXIF info then the image will be 1:1 as the original.

Hope it helps.
Language can be managed in the following ways:
  • Admin can enable / disable global visible languages
  • Visitors can change the language hitting the language selection at the top bar
  • Users can change their language in their account settings
so my Language is Georgian and i think your Engine don't have this language, and it need translate manually and add this language pack. and im planning to do it myself.

how is it possible if you know.
Which of these is the Georgian language that you want to add?

Ok, I've enabled "Georgian". You should be able to translate it now.
ok in demo version still not georgian, may it need some time.

I just added Georgian to the translation platform. To include Georgian in a release the translation must be near 100% complete.