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Hidden Features


⭐ Chevereto Godlike
Chevereto Staff
One of the most annoying pitfalls in Chevereto is the lack of features like user accounts, comments, stats, admin panel, IP bans, multiserver, etc. Even when some of those features will be addressed on 2.1, it is still a script who lacks many features but I think that is not fair enough because there are a lot of hidden features on Chevereto that do exactly what they have do: Just make the whole thing better.

You don't see this functions/features on the feature list because in my opinion those are things that should be there by default but I have notice that the other scripts doesn't even care about and they trow on our face the thing that Chevereto "doesn't have many features" so is time to talk about the hidden features in Chevereto.

Automatic BMP conversion
You can upload bmp files but once you upload one of those it will be converted to png. Why? because bmp is a old filetype that weights a lot so to fix this the image get lossless conversion to png that weight way less and they look exactly the same.

Fancy error display
If you set-up something wrong, you miss a file, a directory can't be created or it doesn't exists, a php library required doesn't exits, etc... Chevereto will shout the chevereto_die(); function and a fancy display will tell you what happen and how to fix it.

Always check installation
Chevereto will always checks if the installation is ok or not. Meaning that if you by mistake delete a file the script will tell you exactly what happen and how to fix it.

Automatic folder creation
What happens if the target image folder doesn't exists? Chevereto will try to create that folder and help you to save time on that. You will only need to create this folder if php doesn't have the rights to do it so in mostly cases Chevereto will help you with this annoying thing.

Theme check
It also checks the theme files integrity. If you miss to upload a theme file it will shout you the error.

Block invalid request
This blocks POST request from external sites and since 2.1 it will be also available a simple flood prevention. It's most likely that this flood prevention gets stronger on future releases including dB records.

Thumb regeneration (2.1)
If the thumbnail doesn't exists (no mater the reason) Chevereto will recreate the thumb, helping you to always have the right files and don't miss anything. No button needed, it just does the thing.

Image delete sync (2.1)
As you may already know, 2.1 will feature database with a file manager. What happens if you fisically delete the file from the disc and not from the dB?. Chevereto will automatically delete the dB record.

Numeric and rename inputs (2.1)
Using JS, it will prevent non numeric keypress on the numeric inputs. This means that a resize field will never allow non numeric values to be sent. Also, if you press up/down keys the numeric vlalue will be change +1 or -1. At this moment will be only noticeable on the admin. Just as the prior function, there is a js function that prevents invalid characters on the rename fields. No invalid rename input will be allowed meaning that js won't request invalid things. But this functions also need the php part, js is just a front-end filter.

Prevent image rename (2.1)
In the filemanager, there is prevention of rename files both in JS level (it search the image in the current images object) and by PHP (it does an ajax call to tell if the image exists). Key point here is the js verification who search in the current image list.

Right click actions and drag select (2.1)
Perhaps you have don't notice, but in the 2.1 filemanager you can use right click actions over the images and also do multi selection using drag select (just like on any computer).

There is also minor things like check for file integrity, or correct values. But that is way to triavial to sumarize here. Anyway, I just want to tell you a few hidden featueres.
I think most people underestimate the power of Chevereto. Great idea writing the list.