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Reviewing Full sized JPEG images size getting altered (not thumbnails or medium images but original images)

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Chevereto Member
I am aware that thumbnail and medium sized images do get 90% compression. However I noticed this first time after upgrading from V3 to V4 that all JPEG images uploaded get compressed or increased in size than the original file size is significantly. Most images getting reduced in size but for some images the size gets increased.
In both cases the resolution of the image is still same as the original image but only the storage size getting altered. No issues found with other formats other than JPEG

▶ Reproduction steps
  1. Check image size of a high resolution JPEG image
  2. Upload the image to the size
  3. Check the image size of the full sized image
😢 Unexpected result

[Example: The website responds with a 500 error, in some routes it is just a white screen.]

📃 Error log message

No error log found

I am attaching image size screenshots
  1. original image size before upload
  2. size on the image page
  3. size of the full size image downloaded from the server

Size before upload.jpg
This issue is related to #14974 as both are affected by the same system (exif handling). Currently, exif removal is a destructive process. We need an alternative tool for exif handling.