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Full name of the photo is not displayed

PHP version
Database driver
Database version
Web browser


Chevereto Member
▶ Reproduction steps
I'm uploading photos to the web that have a file name of 150-190 characters.

But only part of the whole name is displayed on the web, and it is truncated to +/- 100 characters. How to fix this?

😢 Unexpected result

The full name of the original file is not displayed.
I changed the image_title to 255. But unfortunately it didn't help. The name of uploaded images is limited to 100 characters. I do not understand why. Are there any restrictions elsewhere?
@pebro You can remove the 100 limit by changing the code found in:


FIND: (Around line 996 - I have my own alterations to this file)

$image_insert_values['title'] = mb_substr($image_insert_values['title'] ?? '', 0, 100, 'UTF-8');

Change 100 to 255

$image_insert_values['title'] = mb_substr($image_insert_values['title'] ?? '', 0, 255, 'UTF-8');

I see you have already altered you SQL table so there's no need to make any changes there. For anyone else needing to allow bigger filenames, alter your SQL table:

ALTER TABLE `chv_images` CHANGE `image_name` `image_name` VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NOT NULL;

Tested and works.