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Fatal error: Out of memory in class.imageresize.php

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Chevereto Member

We just downloaded the PHP code and have installed on a domain under 1and1 hosting. Their max memory is 30Mb. There is no way via PHP.INI to override that max. I have set the php.ini properly, the actual image shows up in the /images directory, but when chevereto goes to resize the image, the memory limit is hit and a 500 error is thrown.

Here is the full text of the error that is returned from the ajax call:
Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 35389440) (tried to allocate 10368 bytes) in /chevereto/app/lib/classes/class.imageresize.php on line 222

I have a message out to 1and1, but I think their response will be to pound rocks and 30Mb is the limit no matter what.

Is there any way to stop chevereto from trying to resize the image after upload? If I upload an image under 2Mb, the memory error is not thrown. It is only on images over 2Mb, which is most of my image sizes.

Thank you for any information.

This is the same as when you want to run a game in your computer. The only workaround is to increase memory, or restrict the image upload size to something like 2MB, maybe 4MB.
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